On main As it is correct to defecate.

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As it is correct to defecate.  

Hе once and, maybe, not without some занудности,
we conceived conversation on necessity of a different sort of cleanings (and
physical, and more thin order). Hо настырность ours
has the reasons. Why we so urgently advise
to you to expel from itself various slags? Very simply.
Because each of us would like to look better,
more slowly to grow old and longer to live, and collecting in
organism of "uselessness" to achievement of these purposes at all
promote. So, to us with them not on a way, we and
we leave any accessible agents.
There is a natural question: what way of clarification
it is most effective? About it we also gather
to speak this time; about the most effective, moreover-
the most natural way of cleaning. It(him) anybody from people not
thought out, each of us uses him(it) daily since a birth
to the last gasp without dependence from a sex, a nationality
and belief. Obviously, already clearly, about what - such cleaning
there is a speech - about a defecation. Like and to speak here not about
than. And nevertheless we incur boldness to assert(approve),
that, despite of daily practice, the majority of us
concerns to this process without necessary gravity and without
due sensibleness. And process of that deserves, moreover
- Demands. In fact this image our physical body
day by day it is released(exempted) from the lion's share of toxins,
slags and uninvited microorganisms.
Besides there is also one more motive which has induced us to address
to this theme. The question is about certain расчлененности ours
consciousnesses, inadequate perception of various displays
own essence. Speaking simply, стихосложение,
let's tell, we count business raised, and struggle against a constipation-
business low, if not humiliating. That is incorrect. Time we
are created such what we are should with peer respect
to concern and to our spirit, and a body, what surprises it
to us presented. Therefore let's try to speak about
problems of a defecation not reddening and not hiding eyes, as though
the question was subtleties пятистопного ямба.

Ideology of a defecation

Considering enormous importance of process
defecations, the word "ideology" to this context seems to us
quite pertinent. In this business it is necessary to adhere
some principles as the deviation(rejection) from them can
to lead eventually to to infringements in work of an intestine.
<B> A principle 1. <B> If to your intestine there has come time
to be reduced, it is necessary to give to it(him) this opportunity up to that,
as the desire has died away. Importance of all others has put during this instant
should grow gim in your consciousness up to illusoriness. A delay
conducts to downstroke(drop) of normal reflexes of an intestine, and,
practising them it is constant, you in result неминуемо will get in
serious dependence to own alimentary system, and
from constipations will not be продыху.
<B> A principle 2. <B> As to duration of yours
seclusion in a toilet, try to avoid any dictatorship.
Haste in this business as is insalubrious, as well as excessive
tightening. If your organism in the order, you quite
keep within one minute.
<B> A principle 3. <B> Success опорожнения an intestine in
considerable degree it depends and on conditions, in which
occurs. Your problem(task) to not tell a duty, - to provide
to itself the maximal comfort in limits cabins
not own toilet (personal we shall tell about arrangement
some words separately). What agents of comfort you can
to bring, say, in a public lavatory, if
circumstances compel you to visit(attend) similar places? To you
it is necessary to have with itself, naturally, a toilet paper and
disposable seats. Now they, thank God, to nobody in
диковинку. It is necessary not only for hygiene, but also for
complete slackness and absence of superfluous ideas (about the same
to hygiene).
<B> A principle 4. <B> Hе have habits during visiting
lavatory to be engaged in extraneous affairs - reading,
solving of crossword puzzles, etc. In process follows
to participate all essence and to participate meaningly.
As will seem strange, and in this business there is a place for
ethical aspect. Try to represent itself, that together
with excrements you get rid of bad thoughts, bad
intentions and defects. That exists in our consciousness,
exists really and if we in something trust it
occurs actually.

As it should be

That with you it is better to us to be guided in researched
question, it is necessary to define(determine) a certain standard. Others
words to define(determine), what should be in an ideal process and
what actually an end-product. As to quantity(amount)
visitings of a toilet for a day, at normal work of a stomach
and an intestine it should occur once a day, though at
some quite healthy people it can occur and
to thicket. Slags should leave(abandon) an organism besides that
painlessly and without plentiful газоотделения, but bringing you
known pleasure. Thus the feces should have
distinct(Clear) sausage the form, golden color and
practically to not have a smell. These are attributes of that yours
the gastrointestinal path works regularly and quantity(amount)
toxins in a body within the limits of norm. It as to the standard.
Now about deviations(rejections) from him(it).

As should not be

What state of affairs should cause our
anxiety? Here we can distinguish two extreme measures. The first
- A different sort colitises, simply speaking, constipations. Their nature
can be as quite trivial, and the most unexpected.
The reason of a colitis laying on a surface - deficiency of a fat.
To search for her(it) follows in vegetables and fruit. If such
updating of a ration has not conceived desirable action,
try to drink crude pumpkin juice, crude juice of a rhubard,
vegetable oil on an empty stomach. The center of stagnation of fecal masses in
many cases the sigmoid intestine (at the left and hardly downwards is
from a belly-button - see fig. 1). At often constipations in this place
inspissation is groped. To facilitate to itself morning
visiting of a toilet, do not scorn opinion: give it(her)
(intestine) three the first morning minutes. During it
time press on this area three fingers of both arms(hand),
slightly massing a whimsical site of our intestine. However
thus it is necessary to be confident, that you mass
sigmoid intestine, instead of lien, that, to put it mildly,
In other cases the reason of a constipation can be covered in зажатости
smooth musculation of an intestine. Arise she(it) can and from
a wrong feed(meal), and from raised(increased) or lowered
functions of a stomach. Then your excrements, hardly having seen
light, will consist as though of peas, reminding the sheep feces
(it(he) in other cases speaks or about a deviation(rejection) in function
stomach, or about a gastritis). Here pumpkin juice to not do without,
it is necessary to work and above the mental condition-
попринимать baths with aromatic oils to work
auto-training. And besides an eutrophy. If put
is more seriously - it is necessary to address to the doctor.
What means an eutrophy?
First of all it is necessary to make to itself representation about
combination of products. They are classified as follows:
Fibers (nuts, grain cereals, a string bean, eggs, funguses,
meat products, a fish, cheese, cottage cheese, eggplants, milk).
Carbohydrates, i.e. Amylums and Saccharum (grain cereals,
potato, peanut, vegetable marrows, pumpkin, yellow and white Saccharum,
jam, honey).
Moderately starchy (a cauliflower, beet,
Sweet fruit (dates, a fig, a dried apricots, a grapes,
prunes, persimmon).
Adepses (olive oil, sunflower, creamy,
the majority of nuts, bacon, fat meat, cream, sour cream).
Acidic fruit (oranges, grapefruits, pomegranates, lemons,
acidic grapes, acidic plums, acidic apples, tomatoes).
Полукислые fruit (a sweet cherry, sweet apples,
pears, peaches, apricots, a bilberry, a currant, a strawberry).
Hекрахмалистые and green vegetables (a celery, cabbage,
spinach, turnip, щавель, leaves of beet, an onion, eggplants, cucumbers,
a parsley, a rhubard, an asparagus, garlic, a garden radish, sweet
Melons (melon of all grades).
Now about that with what is not combined or what kinds
nutrition it is necessary to eat at various times:
1. Carbohydrates with fibers.
2. Fibers of a different parentage.
3. Acids with fibers.
4. Adepses with fibers.
5. Sahara and fibers.
6. Sahara and Amylums.
(Behind the exhaustive information on an eutrophy
advisable to address to G.P.Malakhov's book " Salutary
forces ". Tula: the Eagle owl, 1993 or СПб.: joint-stock company " Complete set ",
Hекоторые experts consider, that quite often a colitis
is consequence(investigation) of the general(common) depression. It means, that to all
to your organism so опротивела a life, that it(he) has decided
самоотравиться, specially for this purpose keeping toxins.
How with it to struggle? The same experts insist in
this case on enhanced attention to how results
your life. With it(her), obviously, it is necessary to understand
Hу and those who considers, what not depression the reason of a colitis,
and it is equal on the contrary, advise to struggle with it(him), for example, at
the help glyceric свечей. They help from many kinds
constipation, and, as against other similar agents, not
affect reflexes of an intestine and does not leave in
organism of any traces.
Other anomaly in work of an intestine - a diarrhea
(the echo something poetic), she(it) liquid is guessed
chair, she(it) diarrhea. In effect, this emergency self-cleaning
organism from substandard or unusual nutrition and
in general from something deeply unpleasant to your stomach and
to intestine. In this case it is necessary to enable your body
to finish business, helping it(him) disinfectant and
fixing agents. (it is more preferable to use in
these cases broth овса: one glass овса boils down in
two litres of water, овес it is thrown out, and the liquid is drunk
small pharynxes).
Hе overlook, that any cleaning conjugates with
deaquation of an organism, especially such intensive, as
diarrhea. So, while work of your stomach and an intestine not
it is normalized, drink pure(clean) water (not water) more
or tea without Saccharum.

It is necessary to watch(keep up) system

Rather not insignificant, from the point of view of self-diagnostics,
it is necessary to count color of a feces. A deviation(rejection) from reference painting in
the dark party(side) and presence of a strong unpleasant smell
speaks about an excessive contamination of your organism and
necessities of additional cleaning. (are quite pertinent and
competent starvation or unique complex cleaning of all
gastrointestinal path - Shank Prakshalanu. We not time already
mentioned this procedure and if to you will want to learn(find out) about it(her)
in detail, address all to G.P.Malakhov's same book
" salutary forces. " In any case, in one of the nearest
numbers we are going to describe in detail Prakshalanu
Serious alarm should cause too light
excrements. This certificate of insufficient quantity(amount) of bile.
And bile - an enzyme extremely necessary in process
digestion. Its(her) disadvantage not a joke: without bile nutrition not
it is split. To do without without cholagogue will fail.
There is a cholagogue method тюбаж: having drunk on an empty stomach a bottle
mineral water ("Borzhomi”,Esentuki-17) ncessary to lie
so that the bottom part of a body was higher top, and
to be in such position about(near) получаса. It is possible
to take advantage of cholagogue grassy collectings, insisting them
according to references to each concrete collecting.
The abundance of gases speaks about stagnation of nutrition and its(her) fermentation, that in
the turn conducts to formation(education) in an intestine of excess of slime.
And she(it) is the reason of many illnesses. It besides
speaks about a wrong feed(meal).
Wise Chinese talk: the stomach should be ironed is more often.
Hесколько simple receptions of dot and internal massage
will help you to support a tone of an alimentary system and
to prevent different deviations(rejections) from normal
functioning. Advisable to get(start) usage not
to rise in the mornings from a bed, not промассировав vitally
important points Dzu-san-li to a Chinese reflexotherapy,
they are responsible for work of all internal bodies,
posed below a diaphragm, and for the general(common) tone of an organism.
Points these didymous, are on both legs(foots). To search for them
follows on a forward part of an anticnemion on four fingers below
hollows under a patella, near to a bone with external
the parties(sides) from it(her) (see fig. 2).
From the Chinese national medicine it is possible to advise also
one simple exercise - it will help, if at you
there are problems with a defecation. Hоги at width of brachiums,
knees are a little bit bent, a back a straight line, bent in elbows
arms(Hand) before a stomach. Hаходясь in this position, involve and
release(Let off) a fundament. After 30-40 repetitions desires will appear
Massing influence on an interior possesses
belly respiration. His(its) principle that you type(collect) in
mild air not due to expansion of a thorax, and for
the account of lowering of a diaphragm (so you usually breathe when
lay). Thus she(it) also masses belly area.
Practising such respiration, you can constantly support
the stomach and intestine in the excellent(different) form.
And still advice(council) - concerning a toilet paper. At anyone
the minimal opportunity refuse it(her) for the benefit of
cold water. First, with a hemorrhoids to you to get acquainted
never it is necessary, second, you will overlook, that such
boring of a mucosa of a fundament.

What should be a toilet?

If to tell shortly, the lavatory should be cosy.
Naturally, at all at us concept about a cosiness miscellaneous. In
conformity with own concept about his(its) comfort also follows
to frame. Bewitches you somnambulistic moving
gold рыбок меж flexible stalks of underwater vegetation-
perfectly! Put in a toilet an aquarium. Think in the first
turn about own convenience, do not pursue demands
fashions and tastes of strangers if they are contrary to yours.
All matters: both color of walls, and type of a toilet bowl, and a level
sound insulation. NO ncern devil-may-carely and to quality
toilet paper - corporal sensations during a defecation
are very important. Hичто should not sadden minute of dialogue with
own digestive tube.
Certainly, around of the lifted theme can exist
uncountable set of judgements, concepts and references
(approximately as much, how many exists doctors). We
have offered you the most accessible ways of care
condition of own alimentary system and most
the checked up methods of its(her) maintenance in the order (much from
offered(Suggested) it was checked by us on itself). Whether to take something
from above mentioned on arms whether or not - your business. Hо
even if as a result of the modest efforts we could
to convince you that visiting of a toilet not annoying
necessity, and very wise procedure and to concern to it(her)
it is necessary with due respect - our purpose is achieved.

the Reference of pedagogical property

We consider necessary to tell some words, not
concerning впрямую to gastrointestinal problems, but
immediately to education of the child.
Much, if not everything, to parents during a certain moment
it is possible to observe the following picture. The favourite child,
freely having settled down in immediate proximity from
свежепроизведенного a feces, excitedly it(him) studies, not
hesitating in agents. Research is quite often accompanied
selfless гугуканьем or гыгыканьем, or passes in
the concentrated silence. That undertakes
the average parent in connection with seen? In
the majority of cases it(he) кроит the strict person also drags
the scientist under the cock, trying maximum to reduce
the area of contact with it(him). To process of washing, as a rule,
manuals in the categorical form accompany: " Кака!
Hельзя! Фу! Бяка! З-та-Фб! " It happens, that does not manage and without
All set forth above parent actions follows
to consider erroneous and inadmissible. The matter is that the child,
possessing not dismembered (while) consciousness and being
uncharged any complexes, concerns to the
to excrements as to a part of the . And during that moment, when,
as it seems to you, you accustom it(him) to cleanliness, you in
the validity will cripple his(its) mentality, inspiring, that in a nem
there is a place disgusting and dirty, for example to a feces. Thus you
pawn ground for the future complexes, and not what
нибудь, and sex. Therefore, whatever made yours
the child with own excrements, try to not express
in this occasion of the discontent. As more as possible
accurately distract the child, understanding, that similar
researches - a necessary stage in knowledge of the world and


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