On main How to drink vodka

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  How to drink vodka  

Ђ Wine informs everyone who drinks it(him), four qualities. In the beginning the person becomes similar to the peacock - it(he) is puffed up, his(its) movements are smooth and stately. Then it(he) gets character of monkeys and starts to joke and make advances to all. Then it(he) assimilates to a lion and becomes self-confident, proud, confident the, force. But in summary it(he) turns to a pig and, is similar to it(her), rolls in a dirty ї.
The ancient Russian proverb says, that the first wine-glass of vodka strikes колом, the second Ч flies a falcon, and from each subsequent the person becomes easy and joyful, as пташка. Russian people not only has invented vodka, it(he) has developed also completely specific culture of its(her) consumption, anywhere in the world not used. She(it) will consist in the following:
а) Vodka before the use should be necessarily cooled up to 8-10∞—;
б) As any noble drink, vodka should be drunk gradually, small drinks, enabling it(her) to wash all oral cavity. To drink vodka quickly, the volley considers nasty taste;
в) Vodka in Russia cannot be mixed with others alcoholic either soft drinks or their components;
г) Vodka drink from vodka wine-glasses capacity no more than 50 г;
д) Vodka - the noble product created for pleasure, liberation, removal of weariness, stresses, etc. Incredibly to identify vodka with evil, with drunkenness. Drunkenness not in vodka or fault, and in the person. That is why to everyone drinking important to supervise itself, to take into account a doze выпитого an alcoholic drink;
е) The use of vodka is accompanied to special Russian snackbars by a table, cold and which hot snack - indispensable attribute of each feast with use of vodka.

As a table drink vodka is intended not simply for drink, and for giving accompanying accent(stress) to dishes of an exclusive Russian national table. First of all, she(it) well approaches to fat meat, meat, flour and to sharp fish dishes: a beef, fried pork, fat pancakes, pel'menis.

Vodka also is well combined with sharp similar snack of other peoples. However the basic application of vodka in Russian table practice is connected to its(her) use as the obligatory appendix to Russian snack to a table. Not casually these two concepts - vodka and snack - steel in the ends - ends indissoluble and лексически, and gastronomic. Unfortunately, in different groups of the population of Russia these concepts were seriously deformed, inadequately estimated. The essence of these changes will be, that vodka always remains as an obligatory and indispensable component, and the snack is considerably impoverished. All this results in drunkenness, to бескультурному to the use of a national alcoholic drink.

To Russian national snack with which it is accepted to use vodka, concern:
Х meat snack: lard, a ham, студень, veal, corned beef boiled;
Х fish snack: a herring, caviar, a balyk sturgeon, a salmon, a keta, a humpback salmon, sprat salty, etc.;
Х vegetable snack: cucumbers соленные, cabbage fermented, apples антоновские моченые, tomatoes salty, eggplants stuffed, mushrooms salty and pickled, a russian salad Russian, a potato boiled.

Under all these snack vodka is ideal gastronomic addition.

Snack are extremely important for an estimation of original value of vodka as drink. Being an expensive(a dear) drink, vodka demands also expensive(dear) support: caviar, the salty and smoked fish, pickled mushrooms. Without nourishing and saltish snack vodka cannot open all properties.

Are not bad combined with vodka not only expensive(dear) snack, but also cheaper products: a herring, a sauerkraut.

The special attention is deserved with a pickle. By A.P.Chehova's words, scientists two hundred years struggled with a problem of the best snack, but anything better a pickle could not think up. The words told with humour, nevertheless, contain a significant share of the truth: солены the cucumber Ч is really successfully combined with vodka, being thus the cheap and widespread product.

At correct vodka snack drinking always remain mister of position, can supervise completely itself, receive from the use of vodka only stimulating effect, instead of rough intoxication. Assert(approve), that Ђ vodka is artful ї. In itself vodka is artful cannot. It is just necessary to be able to drink her(it). So, for example, it is not recommended to use vodka to cheese, a boiled fish, dishes from mutton. Vodka is badly combined with cold and hot sausage products for which more there correspond(meet) other drinks. Beer, for example.

It is not necessary to forget about correct selection of snack to vodka and about their compatibility. It will promote reception from a feast of the maximal pleasure.

At writer Vladimir Solouhina in the story Ђ Olepenskie ponds ї it is resulted rather characteristic, in our opinion, the description of Russian drinkable culture, is fine illustration the given theme.

Ђ... After speech, during time a glass about a glass, sketchy retorts were heard:
- Yes, it is necessary.
- It is impossible, such day.
Ч In any way it is impossible.
Ч Here what to speak.
Ч Such day of times in a life.
- For all history.
- Well, muzhiks, we shall be healthy.
- With a holiday!
- In any way it is impossible... "
I slightly was surprised essence of retorts. It turned out, that going(gathered) like both do not want to drink, and would not began, and do not like, but there's nothing to be done: it "is necessary", Ђ in any way it is impossible ї.

... in my opinion, a thin glass of vodka it is possible to punish had been guilty. We should drink voluntary, besides, wishing, each other the best and precious Ч health. The hand involuntarily lasts also to a table and шарит, ища something sharp, отшибающего opposite fusel spirit: a pickle, a herring, a mushroom, cabbage... Here there were crucians, besides hot. While you will inform collapsing рыбку up to a mouth while on it(her) you will blow while you will suck round sharp косточки Ч the vodka spirit and taste still costs(stands) both in a mouth, and in a throat, and in the stomach, and this minute is awful. Everyone screw up the face, blink, шар¤т a hand blindly and, only after a while, having sucked round a third рыбку or successfully having hooked a layer of fried eggs, come to the senses. However, many wash down vodka with cold well water. Him(it), probably, more easy.

- Volodya, you to me tell, I was in Moscow, at relatives on a visit, and there behind a table one was familiar my relatives. Works abroad, in embassy. And it(he) has told, that abroad do not wash down. It is considered very(very much) even to wash down ugly and indecently with water, or, say, beer, or ситром. You to me tell, in any way I shall not understand, why abroad do not wash down?
- Whether you see, - the beginnings, there was I, - it is supposed, that a drink in itself tasty. It(he) will swallow it(him), will taste in a mouth and listens to aroma. What for to beat off taste of what seems tasty?
- Vodka means, at them, whether that, is more tasty than ours?
-I would not tell, on the contrary, they very much love Russian vodka. But the matter is that they drink small глоточками, from wine-glasses of grammes so on twenty. And from small глоточков and that have not a snack, they become tipsy very quickly.
Ч To drink not can, that's all, - has helped me another the neighbour. Ч What they against us drinking? Yes to it(him) if this thin glass - it(him) and under a table you will not find.
Ч Weaklings.
- Now it is clear. And that I all thought, why abroad do not wash down. Certainly, twenty gramme, them and in a mouth you will not find. It even is ridiculous, twenty gramme with water to wash down or, say, колой. Twenty gramme is to hens on laughter, unless this drink? ї
Coronary illness of heart kills. However such doze of alcoholic drinks as one wine-glass in day, reduces risk to fall a victim to this illness for 30-50 percent(interests). At the same time there are few proofs of that more than two wine-glasses in day will give side benefits.
From two five units in day will protect from an insult.
The moderate use of alcoholic drinks (about one wine-glass in day) connect with downturn of a death rate from any reason. Death rate in this case even is lower, than at absolutely teetotal. However the mortality percentage essentially grows, if the use of alcohol exceeds 14 units in a week for women and 21 unit - for men.
The most known illness provoked by alcohol - a cirrhosis of a liver.
Approximately 3 percent(interests) of all cancer diseases, probably, are connected to the use of alcohol.
About four wine-glasses of alcoholic drinks in day lift a blood pressure up to a level, " giving an occasion for alarm ".
More than ten wine-glasses in day during long time conduct to serious mental frustration

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