On main As well as what to give.

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  As well as what to give.  

In a life it is a lot of opportunities to bring pleasure to associates, and to do(make) it it is possible not only on holidays, but also in everyday lives.
The small sign on attention - and intense difficult day can turn back celebratory mood. The flower, a favourite delicacy, a small souvenir, the good book - all can bring pleasure. A gift when it(he) is disinterested - irrespective of his(its) price, - always будит in the person reciprocal geniality.
But gifts need to be able to be chosen and given. In it taste, imagination, an ingenuity and a step of the donator are shown.

The gift frequently has only symbolical value is an original form of expression of feelings. At insignificant cost the gift made with latent sense, can find huge value for the one to whom it(he) is presented. Cost of a gift should correspond(meet) to material opportunities of the one who gives. The generosity is too expensive as is ridiculous, as well as miserliness at the certain opportunities known to associates.
Gifts should correspond(meet) to opportunities, needs(requirements), character, taste, interests and a way of life of those to whom they are intended.

To whom what to give? Any gift is a mirror of your nature even if you try to not show the character. And to give a gift is not a duty to the hero of the festivities, and first of all a sign on attention and respect for it(him).

To member of family to give most easy because it is known to that it(he) will be delighted. In family it is authorized to give every possible gifts - since colors and finishing such intimate gift, as underwear. The economic subjects intended for using by all members do not concern to gifts, families.

Among relatives it is authorized to choose the big gift at the same time to whom it(he) is intended. The husband who wants to present the wife a fur coat or other valuable thing, will make correctly if will give to the wife an opportunity to help it(him) in a choice. As the element of unexpectedness vanishes in a similar situation, it is good to a costly present imperceptibly to add any trifle. It is pleasant to find a small cosmetic set or a small bottle of a deodorant in a pocket of a new coat; opening a package with a known gift, suddenly to find out нарядный шарфик, nice брошь or a hairpin for hair. The loving(liking) and close(attentive) wife is not afraid to spoil the husband and from time to time gives it(him) gifts without occasions.
Shirts, ties, socks - whether are they superfluous?

To children give the gifts first of all corresponding to their age. Toys choose in view of their cognitive and educational role. But at a choice nevertheless be guided by wishes of the child or on general hobby something of all children of this age.
Game or toy should be entertaining, capable to carry away the child for long time, - the book, subjects of drawing, desktop games. Except for it children like to receive in a gift of sweet, fruit and... Clothes: even small children are capable to estimate beautiful туфельки, нарядное a dress or bright курточку. Packing necessarily should be colourful and "children's".

And children from the early childhood it is necessary to accustom to render signs on attention to associates. They should acquire, that to give to anothers pleasure, it is necessary to work. They can draw, connect, embroider, make something application, make any necessary thing or a knickknack - all depends on individual abilities of the child. It is not necessary to give to the child of money that it(he) has bought a gift for mother or the father. Certainly, when the child goes at date of a birth to comrade, parents help to choose a gift, and finance it(him).
To friends, as well as native to give simply, their taste and desires, as a rule, are known. Here the choice is great - from economic things up to subjects of a toilet. Very few people at us dares to give a newly-married couple as a wedding gift of a frying pan or a saucepan, in most cases give crystal vases, products from silver and other only decorative things. And in fact that him(it) at the beginning will bring the greatest advantage(benefit) is completely not bad to present. Certainly, it is necessary to be considered with taste and needs(requirements) young. The gift should be intended for general purpose - from economic subjects up to furniture. It is not necessary to forget and about works of art (a picture, an engraving, products of national crafts, etc.). The collective gifts giving an opportunity to a newly-married couple to receive more valuable necessary things are expedient. Relatives, friends, employees can cooperate.
At Englishmen, for example, the young couple makes the list of useful things on which their relatives and familiar give wedding gifts. Give everything, since saucepans and finishing magnificent dining rooms service.

Not all approaches for a gift to the official: it is the business environment, and презенты should not leave for its(her) frameworks. Here all from the category of a stationary, hours, folders, books and, certainly, flowers can be pertinent. What you have presented, all should remind of work and, the main thing is entered in conditions, that is to be inexpensive and not striking, even if your firm succeeding enough. Quite often on the enterprise or in firm there come partners from other firms, at times even foreign then according to all signs on decency gifts are presented not by visitors, and owners. It should be small, rather modest презенты with symbolics of firm or city, the country. At the first visiting firms of other countries it is more preferable to give small souvenirs as настенных plates, pictures, the figurines symbolizing your country and the native enterprise. In the subsequent visits and with that and on the other hand various gifts from a glass, ceramics, every possible products from a leather(skin), a tree, drinks can be presented, to sweet, etc.
On significant for all holidays as an obligatory gift of the various organizations there can be a simple card with wishes for employees of firm from its(her) director. It not only will raise unity of all collective, but also will raise the head in opinion of his(its) wards. For employees of firm it will be even more pleasant, if in day of their birth they will receive the congratulatory card handwritten and with the personal signature of the head of firm.

Gifts which are always pertinent also which can be given everyone, are flowers, sweets, fruit, wine, books, writing-materials; products from a glass, crystal, silver, a leather(skin), ceramics, metal. From more costly presents it is possible to name products of the fine arts: pictures, water colors, miniatures, unique editions of books, etc.

Many count the book the most neutral gift though in it(her) it is made more individualities, than in a ceramic vase or a tie. Giving the book, it is necessary to know, in what literature the one to whom she(it) is intended is interested. And in general the book can be given, as well as flowers, at the slightest pretext.

You have paid attention, what flowers appear as a gift or addition to it(him) at the slightest pretext? That is why especially it would be desirable to stop on donation of colors.
Flowers give concerning any celebration when they are considered as the integral attribute of a gift, and is simple so - then the gift will be much more pleasant. If you know, that your bouquet will be not the only thing insert into him(it) a small card with congratulations: your bouquet will more be remembered. Depending on the one to whom the bouquet intends, select the certain kind of colors, their color and even packing. The age, a floor, the social status and character of the person to which present a bouquet matter. Whether many trouble themselves with drawing up of bouquets?

As a token of reconciliation present asters, white carnations or a bouquet from colors аниса, vervains and even веточку blackberries. Sarcastic "gift" can be a bouquet from the Chinese and yellow carnations and, strangely enough, field camomiles. If you wish someone to pay a compliment букетиком cornflowers you will emphasize his(its) delicacy and grace in the person; a pink acacia - elegance; any flower of almonds - cheerfulness and a recognition that this person - soul of your society; a white lily or double carnations you will testify a recognition of talent and extraordinary internal beauty; a bouquet to which the red flower of a geranium or a dope - grass is added, you express, that have learnt secret of deceptive charm - external shine without harmony with a private world.

In bouquets for young contrast combinations and sated tone are mainly used. It is better to young girls to give buds. The bouquet intended to the middle-aged person, should be in quieter tones. To men give flowers of one grade, the sated tone of a wrapper should be in contrast with color of a bouquet. The female bouquet is desirable in one color scale with a wrapper. For children air bouquets are good, it is desirable different colors and painting. The bouquet from pink colors is pertinent in any conditions.

The special attention deserves a wedding bouquet of brides. By tradition of it(him) the groom buys and presents the bride in day of wedding after the repayment. During all wedding ceremony this bouquet is at it(her), and already on ступеньках a registry office or after wedding from its(her) easy hand the bouquet gets to other girl who the same year should leave in marriage. Recently huge popularity small wedding bouquets from roses on short legs, orchids, tulips, a nasturtium began to use.

At purchase of a bouquet think of the person to whom it(he) intends. Sometimes and small букетик snowdrops can transfer more tendernesses and heat, than magnificent significant roses. It is possible to give and one large flower or a branch. Present, that you already entrust flowers to the expensive(dear) person, - and then will not be mistaken with a choice.

How to give gifts? Recognizing that a gift it is appreciated as a sign on attention, from him(it) necessarily remove a label with the price. All gifts, except for colors, present in packing. Having handed over a gift, modestly listen to words of gratitude, not entering in discussion. In a family circle gifts sometimes put on a celebratory table or in New Year's evening under a fur-tree.

To accept gifts it is necessary tactfully. If a gift transfer personally, it(him) at once unpack at the presence of presented, express satisfaction and thank. Is impolite to put a gift aside, not having looked on him(it).

It is not necessary to become angry for ineptly chosen gift. In special cases, at very close relations, having felt, that the gift appeared not so successful, it is possible to suggest to exchange it(him) (the check just in case needs to be kept). To refuse a gift it is possible only in that case when to accept it(him) indecently or when the gift is so valuable, that compels to feel like the debtor. At refusal emphasize gratitude for attention and motivate the refusal.

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