On main How to protect the automobile from stealing.

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  How to protect the automobile from stealing.  

Whether and it is necessary to protect? All the same if will want - that will steal necessarily. So many argue very much avto owners and leave the machine without the signal system after purchase. And in fact as the statistics more than 30 % of machines shows steal not equipped with the signal system. What for to the thief to be tormented with the next machine equipped with elementary "whistle" if a number(line) costs(stands) the machine in which and it is silently possible to climb and silently to leave. She(it) will not submit noise and on its(her) opening greater time is possible to find.

Correctly to protect the automobile it is necessary to know:

- as operate " the thief " and it is simple hooligans (by more part addicts, collecting on the next doze).

- what means are better for applying to protection of your machine - their basic purpose(assignment), weak and strengths on what the price of this equipment depends

- from whom exactly you would like to protect the automobile (to save money - though speak, that protection do not happen much).

- whether important to put anticreeping means in the certificated centers, or it is better to save and put itself or at uncle Vasi in garage on acquaintance.

- the basic measures of protection of the automobile.

The algorithm of stealing is simple: the door (on the majority of machines they are opened by a hook or a ruler within 1-3 minutes) Is opened - the criminal runs off and looks - whether the owner on intrusion / or hooter the signal system will react. The owner, as a rule, looking out in a window and nobody finding out near the avto, repeatedly puts it(him) on protection, abusing how much manufacturers of the signal system, the friends who have advised her(it) to establish, fitters. The most illiterate autohooligan knows, that at repeated statement on protection the system (what road she(it) would not be) excludes from protection a faulty zone, in particular - already slightly opened door. Now it is possible easy залазить in interior and to survey the automobile (the signal system any more will not work if not costs(stands) in interior of the gauge of volume - otherwise - system "signal" again) to find and disconnect the block of the signal system (if it(he) is not hidden - 1 minute), will switch off it(him) (if costs(stands) on-line whistle she(it) will not shout any more), to open cowl (if not costs(stands) mechanical блокиратор a cowl - 1 minute), to remove(take off) blocking the engine, having restored regular posting (the the signal system - the less time for it is necessary - 1-2 minutes is more illiterately established) to include ignition (перемкнув the necessary wires, or simply having thrust titanic болванку and having broken a secret of the lock - 1-2 minutes) to wring out coupling (if not there is a fur. блокиратора-seconds) to include the necessary transfer (if not there is a fur блокиратора a check point - seconds) and to go (at such security complex on all - 10-15 minutes) in the necessary direction. Usually ahead the accompanying machine goes in time to warn about possible(probable) unpleasant meetings.

So professionals work. How you think, who will be guilty in this stealing the automobile? Correctly - the thief … and … the owner. Which and/or has not read the instruction on using the signal system, "self-confidently" considering, that it is enough of one her for protection of the automobile and-or has established her(it) in the next garage at the familiar autoelectrician who perfectly understands regular posting the automobile, but does not know any "nuance" of installation of electronic accident protection devices.

Nonprofessionals, as a rule, if not it is possible to work above stealing of the automobile within 5-10 minutes - throw this employment(occupation).

" the thief " do not try to steal at all it(him) - to profit by him(it) that it is possible to remove(take off) - columns, the radio tape recorder, the accumulator, wheels enough.

In general patiences do not suffice addicts, the main thing is fast something "to pull out and "fade" - for them frequently enough the fact of the "shouting" signal system, to disappear from a scene of crime.

From here the algorithm of optimum protection also follows:

Having established interlocking (БК) a cowl (and if you under a cowl to this will add also the secret switch) the automobile will be already more complex(difficult) to steal - it is necessary either to dismantle it(him), or to break open a cowl (and this completely not "silent" employment(occupation)) or to drive away the machine on a tow.

Cost(Stand) БК much more cheaply alarm, special skills in installation do not demand, except for skilful hands and some tool.

To establish a complex the autosignal system (that she(it) has warned about an attack on the automobile) with independent сиреной (which in case of central обесточивания includes the independent power supply and there and then starts to signal) + the volumetric gauge (to warn repeated penetration through a door, described in algorithm of stealing, or penetration through glass) + an autopager (the radioalarm device notifying about "works" of the signal system if suddenly your automobile appears outside of a visibility range and audibility, but within the limits of radioreach of a pager) As additional basic protection is used an immobilizer, allowing to interrupt a circuit in two-three places to find which difficultly enough, and without the "electronic" label which are taking place (we shall be hopes) at you at home, instead of in the automobile, the circuit remain broken off. Though in simple carburettor machines if it will be possible to open a cowl enough to throw(stop) the crosspiece from the accumulator on the coil of ignition.

If to establish mechanical блокираторы on a steering wheel (it is better at automobiles from a mechanical check point) and-or a box of transfers (it is more expedient on the box - automatic device) stealing of the automobile can be carried out only on evacation.

It is possible to establish certainly the signal system and itself, following the instruction, but it is competent and without mistakes the established equipment allows to tighten(delay) considerably time of stealing, enabling you to consider and undertake correct actions.

Besides it is possible to list the basic measures of protection of the automobile from stealing:

1. Equip a motor vehicle with the anticreeping signal system, or simple mechanisms: shat devices such as " "crutch" (which the rudder and a pedal blocks), "trap" (which blocks all pedals simultaneously) and others.

If in a motor vehicle the signal system NECESSARILY include her(it) and when put a motor vehicle in garage is established. (there Were many cases when malefactors have penetrated into garages).

2. If at a parking of the automobile some time remains outside of a field of your sight, lift a cowl and remove(take off) the central wire.

3. Do not leave documents on a motor vehicle in interior. (Acting so, you render the thief invaluable service, in fact presence of the original certificate on registration of a vehicle in many facilitates him(it) selling of the stolen automobile).

4. At short-term stops and an output(exit) from a motor vehicle for one minute do not leave a key in the lock of ignition, and furthermore - the working engine.

5. Leaving for a while the automobile do not use as watchmen of juvenile children and, especially, do not leave him(it) keys from the machine. For criminals presence of the child in the automobile at all a handicap.

6. If nevertheless you should leave children in the automobile - necessarily lock doors and instruct the child about that in case of danger it(he) included a signal of an emergency stop and submitted sound signals.

7. If you have decided to bring up the passenger, is especial at night or on a country line at conversation take the following safety measures:

- block a driver's door or that door through which there is a conversation;

- talk through slightly lowered(omitted) glass so that on обочине it was difficult for person to push a hand in interior;

- leave the engine included, and legs(foots) hold on a pedal of gas and coupling instantly to be touched from a place;

- use seat belts that voting on обочине, at a stop of a motor vehicle, has not opened sharply a door and has not thrown out you from the machine.

8. Make anticreeping marks to your automobile, which can frighten off the thief as to sell the marked motor vehicle and spare parts is rather problematic.

9. Open to nobody the secrets concerning protection of your automobile!

10. The insurance YOUR automobile. This unique material consolation if it(he) at you God forbid will be gone.

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