On main For wives

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  For wives  

In people speak: " If you want to make the correct decision, consult to the wife and make on the contrary "
I drink for our wives giving to us an opportunity in a complex(difficult) situation to find the optimum decision.
To choose it is possible only between superfluous things.
Let's drink for the most necessary, that we never choose - for wives.
Let's drink for wives and mistresses, for that they have never met.
The gynecologist asks the pregnant woman: " What Rhesus factor at your husband? ". She(it) reddens: " I do not know, probably, centimeters 15 ".
For wives who always know group of blood of the husband.
Two muzhiks - пьянчужек all the day were pumped up. But binges appeared insufficiently and then one of friends has suggested to descend(go) to it(him) home and to ask money for the wife. And have acted(arrived). When they have come in a bedroom and have included light have seen, that on the mistress any naked muzhik jumps. However seen has not affected in any way resoluteness of the husband to catch money for a bottle.
- You hear, лапочка, you will give money to loved(liked,favourite) муженьку on one бутылочку, - просюсюкал it(he).
- Take a purse on a bedside-table and, for God's sake, extinguish light, - the wife has answered it(him).
Go on street, friends have counted money. Perfectly. Here will suffice on two bottles.
So we shall drink for wives who will always help the husbands a difficult minute.
The girl has left for the guy with one condition: to leave the husband once in one year. They lived happily. The wife left every year the husband for one day. The husband began to assort curiosity and when the wife was going to leave, it(he) has decided to track down her(it). The wife has gone to a wood, the husband - behind it(her).
Looks: the wife has turned to the snake and began to hiss.
So we shall drink for that wives hissed only once in one year and only in a wood.
If the woman does not find in the man of any advantages, this means the man - its(her) husband. If the man in a circle of friends greedily praises highly the woman, same - his(its) mistress.
Let's drink for that the wife praised the husband more often, and the husband did not find in the mistress of any advantages.

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