On main For women

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  For women  

The most part of a love inclination will consist of conversations.
Let's drink for pleasant собеседниц.
In 13 years the girl mysterious as Australia. In 15 years the girl hot, as Africa. In 18 years abrupt, as America. In 20 years изъезженная, as Europe. In 25 years deserted, as Antarctica.
So let's drink for that and there though expeditions(dispatches) occasionally came.
The tasty meal raises taste. The pretty girl raises desire.
For the refined taste... (Name) which raises in us desire... To speak it(her) compliments.
Taste of a life - on lips of the woman. Sensation of a life - in embraces of the woman.
For women who personify for us the whole world.
In interesting women not that she(it) can give the most interesting to you, and that you from it(her) want.
For the women causing interesting desires.
In a youth of the man dream of hot women, mysterious незнакомках, ladyloves and when marry, think: " My God, well why she(it) is not able to cook soup? "
For housewives.
The armed woman is to what the man has given the weapon behind an opportunity to contemplate its(her) unarmed.
For unarmed women, разящих on the spot armed men.

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