On main Man's names

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  Man's names  


The name occurs from the Greek words, "aleks" - the defender and "андрос" - the man.
At children's age Alexanders quite often болеют but if teenagers start to be tempered and engaged in physical exercises then strong and proof men grow from them. Alexanders persistently achieve the purpose. They can become in the chapter(head) of collective and was able operate him(it), leaning(basing) thus on the most capable people, trusting them the most complex(difficult) affairs. Are reputed as fair people.
One of Alexander's weak spots - weakness to fault. In a condition of intoxication lose above itself the control, start to brag and aspire to outstrip partners on a feast. But some serious events in a life native and close can avert for ever Alexander from hobby for alcoholic drinks.
In dialogue with women Alexander tries to not overlook - to help any trifle to dress a coat, to present a bouquet of colors, especially carefully to shave before appointment, to tell as much as possible compliments - all this becomes at him(it) a habit. But the most sincere compliments should not be accepted too seriously, such display of feelings expects also other women.
Alexanders given birth in the summer especially strongly love children, as the, and another's. Given birth in other season in attitudes(relations) with children are more constrained.
Complex(Difficult) natures are Alexanders with patronymics Nikolaevich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Borisovich, Semenovich.
Serious attitudes(relations) and marriages(spoilage) with Anna, Валентиной, Варварой, Belief, Veronika, Dariya, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inna, Love, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalia, Oksana, Polina, Tamara are successful. Attitudes(relations) with Ekaterina, Elena, Зинаидой, Lydia, Svetlana can be very complex.


The name occurs from an ancient greek word "aleks", meaning "to protect".
This name will be given the son by the quiet and silent woman. Though since the childhood Alexey is very much adhered to mother and in many respects is similar to it(her), however at once starts to feel itself as the defender of mother, and at more mature age can become the defender and for other women. Alexey prefers to be the person of an affair and to be engaged in conversations less. In the childhood it(he) usually is not the ringleader, but his(its) opinion has at times crucial importance.
Adult Alexey is diligent in any business in which is engaged, and with pleasure does(makes) even laborious work. It(he) always aspires to perfection and achieves the big successes in any business - manufacture, a science, sports, business. Alexey is not deprived ambitions and due to this achieves good position in a society.
Алексей-individuality with strongly pronounced creative abilities and due to them it(he) can achieve significant achievements in painting, the literature, theatre, due to the thin intuition Alexey can achieve successes in the exact sciences.
In family Alexey is quiet, careful, hardworking. Concedes in trifles to the wife and the mother-in-law, but in serious questions nevertheless tries to defend the point of view and to convince relatives of the correctness. In the woman especially appreciates accuracy and neatness. Because of a careless kind of the wife will not arrange stages, but will let know, that it is unpleasant to it(him).
If the wife clashes with associates Alexey tries to be on its(her) party(side) and to help the advice(council) and participation. Alexey always the true husband, and the wife can sometimes take advantage Alexey's of excessive trustfulness. For all life Alexey keeps sincere attachment to the parents. With love from rushes and to children.
Well there is a marriage(spoilage) at Alexey with Anastasiya, Angela, Anna, Varvara, Galina, Klavdiya, Larissa, Love, Nadezhda, Svetlana. Not so attitudes(relations) with Belief, Oksana, Tamara, Julia are successful.

Ancient Greeks named Anatoly inhabitant Anatolii (the ancient name of Asia Minor which is taking place in the east from Greece). "Anatole" - in translation with Greek means
In the childhood, being under strong influence of mother. Anatoly is frequently closed and is constraining and consequently, reading the adventure literature, frequently represents itself on a place of heroes of novels. In due course Anatoly gets rid of excessive influence of mother, but the feeling of romanticism at him(it) is kept for all life.
In attitudes(relations) with associates Anatoly is quiet and can find the general(common) language different people on character. But in critical situations it(he) can go counter to collective, to become unguided and to create complexities for relatives to it(him) people.
Anatoly is fair, never will offend the person in a temper. If it(he) supervises over people thus will not admit(allow) humiliation of human advantage.
Anatoly is judicious, counterbalanced and is able to gain trust of women. It(he) likes blondes more. Good relations with parents of the wife are established at once, and with тестем they become good ми friends.
It is better to Anatoly to be far away from a wine-glass, as in anything good dialogue with vodka does not result. Besides and a condition of intoxication it(he) loses above itself(himself) the control, starts to be rude and can get in very unpleasant history.
In family Anatolys can have problems. Frequently their wives start to aspire to rigid leadership in family, to imposing of the opinion on any question. Not always there are rather warm attitudes(relations) with children. In spite of the fact that Anatolys good workers, earn money they not always well. Therefore Anatolys can unexpectedly leave family, trying to get rid of a heavy burden.
Anatolys who have been given birth in winter and autumn months, are active, possess various abilities, but it is better to them to keep further from alcoholic drinks.
"Years(Summer)" and "spring" Anatolys are benevolent, always ready to assist. Like to travel, have a rest on the nature.
The good marriage(spoilage) is possible(probable) with Maria, Valeriya, Galina, Irina, Svetlana, Olga, Tatyana. Serious complexities in a marriage(spoilage) can be with Ekaterina, Elena, Alla, Angela, Antonina, Marina, Hope, Klara, Nina, Polina, Nadezhda, Julia.


In a basis of a name the Greek word "andros", meaning "man" lays.
From children's age Andrey possesses rich imagination. Favourite toys at him(it) are every possible designers. It(he) can represent the automobile and the racer simultaneously, to rush thus on an apartment and to issue all scale sound - from rumbling the motor up to a scratch of brakes. Absorbed by the game, Andrey pays attention to requests a little to behave more silently and almost the only thing, that it(him) can stop is sweet.
If there is a brother Andrey is sincerely adhered to it(him). To the sister concerns jealously and does not want to concede to it(her) in anything. The Андрей-teenager among the сверстников especially is not allocated with anything, however in due course it appears, that it(he) has succeeded in a life more than others.
On Andrey's service the chief always appreciates. Андреи, given birth in the winter, gravitate to area of arts more. Among Андреев frequently there are directors, actors, singers, artists. In sphere of natural sciences of the big successes achieve "autumn" Андреи. They are successful and in business.
In attitudes(relations) with girls Andrey is changeable. It(he) can make a declaration of love familiar, and for other day, not paying to it(her) of attention to pass past with another. Andrey marries the beautiful, sensual woman, thus its(her) private world and character of it(him) interest a little. Familiar and relatives about the serious attitude(relation) to a choice спутницы lives Andrey ignores advice(councils). Andrey of high opinion on, эгоистичен also demands to itself enhanced attention. It(he) can be jealous the wife of the child if she(it) gives a lot of attention to the kid, and it(he) - has not enough. Andrey is unpredictable in the acts. It(he) can give a dear(an expensive) gift to the wife, and concerning a trifling thing to kick up a row. Attitudes(relations) with the mother-in-law develop difficultly.
Андреи with patronymics Александрович, Игоревич and Олегович are difficult in dialogue and have uneasy character.
The marriage(spoilage) with Elena, Elizaveta, Irina, Клавдией, Larissa, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalia is favorable. It is adverse - with Varvara, Zoya, Klara, Oksana. Olga, Sofia, Julia


This name, probably, has taken place from древнеримского name Антоний that means " entering in fight ".
Small child Anton it is charming and at once gains. These qualities are kept at him(it) for all life. Anton's basic character traits in many respects are similar to character of mother, but the basic support in the childhood for him(it) is father. Anton concerns to parents always with love and respect.
During study at school Anton not блещет successes and in a lump of pupils is imperceptible. But if Anton after school will decide to continue formation(education) then it(he) changes directly on eyes: will be engaged much and it is good to pass examinations.
Is not afraid of work, with hunting undertakes any affairs and in a result copes with them was able. On work it(he) becomes the expert, can become and the talented scientist. Loves books and reads them with the great pleasure.
Anton in attitudes(relations) with women is impulsive, feelings sometimes take top above mind and then it(he) can offend the close person, but kindness and complaisance allow to avoid to it(him) serious conflicts.
Anton concerns to the introduction into a marriage(spoilage) with all gravity and it is the best way attitudes(relations) at him(it) develop with girls who call Valery, Ekaterina, Marina, Irina.


This name occurs from the Greek word "arkados", meaning inhabitant Arkadii, area of Ancient Greece.
In the childhood Arcady the general favourite. Grandmothers and grandfathers in it(him) I adore. For parents it(he) the biggest pleasure and family. Arcady should feel on itself delights and affection of all close relatives. But the atmosphere of general worship will not spoil Arcady, it(he) will be always ready to respond to the request for the help and will make all from him(it) dependent. Love and it is kind, given to Arcady in the childhood, will be returned by Arcady to people during all life.
Arcady is sociable, capable to smooth and extinguish the conflict in collective. It(he) is obligatory and always tries to execute promised. Arcady's weakness is propensity to alcohol, and display of this defect has casual character, and at times Arcady, coming back home, unexpectedly it appears in the casual company. During such moments it is necessary wife Arcady uneasily.
But Arcady is true in a marriage(spoilage), and family - the main thing in his(its) life. Quarrels in family - a rarity. Arcady likes to spend time with small children. For the sake of family Arcady will offer career and work which will take away from him(it) time to the detriment of attitudes(relations) with relatives. Arcady prefers the stable present to possible(probable) success in the future.
Arcady will be happy with Anna, Valentina, Evgeniya, Lyudmila, Natalia, Oksana, Olesya, Sofia. Adverse attitudes(relations) can be with Aleksandra, Galina, Nina, Tamara, Tatyana.


In translation with ancient greek means "safe", " faultless health ".
Despite of name Артемы in the childhood it is constant болеют respiratory diseases. At school, as a rule, they do not have any complexities. Артемы are quiet, try to be unostentatious in dialogue. Are sociable and friendly. Can objectively estimate a situation. Always speak the truth because of what can get in a unpleasant situation.
In total achieve the work, career for them not the main thing. Are very devoted and are able to store(keep) secrets. Артемы can be doctors, journalists, electricians, architects, teachers, builders. Any trades are accessible to them practically and everywhere they succeed.
For women Artem - a find. It(he) the good husband, the provisional family man. Always helps on the house. Likes to travel and receive visitors.
"Autumn" Артемы are persevering, but not конфликтны. Possess many abilities, but not all from them will be realized. "Years(Summer)" Артемы are kind and trustful, they are sometimes helpless in a life. Easily find to itself friends.
The successful marriage(spoilage) for Artem with Anna, Larissa is most probable, Lyudmila, Tamara and less approach for serious attitudes(relations) Zoya, Maya, Marina.


The name has a slavic origin. Probably, this reduction of a name Borislav in which basis words the "pine forest" lay, meaning struggle, and "glories" - glory.
Boris since the childhood gets used to the order and accuracy. Carefully concerns to books and things, the clothes never scatters, anywhere. First of all will try to make lessons and to execute assignments(orders) on the house, and only after that will run to play on street to сверстникам. Maturing, Boris becomes more and more independent. It(he) not begins to devote parents in the attitudes(relations) with girls, than will deliver a lot of anxiety and excitements. Boris informs about the future marriage during the latest moment when to hide it it will be already impossible.
Boris, due to the mind(wit) and persistence, always achieves the big successes in the elected field of activity and borrows(occupies) outstanding position in a society. The success accompanies it(him) and in business. All vital blessings come to Boris as a result of persistent work, without use of the help influential familiar.
Boris likes all to do(make) by the hands - to repair an apartment, to arrange well the ground area. A lot of attention gives the parents. Likes to tinker with children. Does not deprive of attention and the wife. But on the first place Boris always will have work. It is necessary for taking into account to wife Boris to avoid complexities in family attitudes(relations). In family Boris searches rest, a place where it(he) can gain strength for realization of the plans.
Boris can repeatedly enter a marriage(spoilage), it(he) can easily take a great interest in other woman.
Most successfully there will be a marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Zoya, Valeriya, Varvara, Veronika, Zoya, Inna, Irina, Klara, Larissa, Natalia, Olga, Svetlana, Tamara. Most likely, attitudes(relations) with Luba, Marina, Nadezhda, Nina will be unsuccessful. Tatyana, Julia


About an origin of this name there is no developed opinion. On one of versions, it has taken place from an old russian word "вадити", that means "to argue, "sow discord, "accuse". Under other version, "Vadim" is a variation old russian "Vladimir" that means " drives the world ".
In the childhood Vadim very restless. It(he) constantly is in movement, likes to run about and play, giving thus an output(exit) to the emotions. Adults constantly should to ask behave it(him) more silently. In a basis of such restless behaviour of Vadim the huge internal energy demanding an output(exit) lays. Vadim tries to react to remarks of parents in the correct image as attitudes(relations) with mother and the father mean for Vadim much. It(he) loves parents and does not want them to afflict. At school Vadim studies well though can be and complaints to his(its) restlessness.
Vadim can become the good head. It(he) not bad understands people, shows about them care, fulfils the given promises. It is very hardworking and. It is purposeful. Having undertaken any business, always finishs it(him). Vadim is prudent and possesses considerable cunning. Does not make unreasoned acts and does not speak anything superfluous. Vadim is capable to come into contact to necessary people and to achieve from them necessary cooperation. Attitudes(relations) with business partners for Vadim sometimes turn in some kind of competition which it(he) tries to win necessarily.
Vadim - easily were fond nature. It(he) it easy can пристраститься to cards(maps), other gamblings. He(it) has propensity to risk. Behind a celebratory table Vadim's major principle " to walk so to walk ", that sometimes results in unpleasant consequences.
"Winter" Vadims not at once are defined(determined) in a choice of a speciality, friends, the wife. "Years(Summer)" Vadims softer at heart, sometimes even are a little bit lazy.
Attitudes(Relations) with women at Vadim develop uneasy. Meeting long time with one girl and thinking even about a marriage on it(her), it(he) suddenly is fond another. But if Vadim falls in love really, it seriously and for a long time.
The probability of a happy marriage(spoilage) at Vadim is great with women who call Alexander, Belief, Ekaterina, Svetlana. Малоудачным can appear a marriage(spoilage) Alla, Elena, Anna, Mayia, Olga, Polina, Tamara.


The name occurs from a latin word "valeo", meaning " to be healthy ". Has received a wide circulation among slavic peoples.
Valentine - the obedient and diligent child. At school at him(it) it is a lot of friends. Valentine - good comrade on whom always it is possible to rely. Protects girls from offenders. It is not deprived strong-willed qualities. Likes to observe of behaviour of animals and birds. Serious hobby can become aquarian рыбки.
Valentine is declined to contemplation and rest. It(he) shows more interest to the humanities, than to natural. At youthful age Valentine can take a great interest in such subjects as philosophy or psychology, and it(he) can quite become the good doctor the psychiatrist or психотерапевтом. Can achieve successes and in other fields of activity.
The free time devotes to quiet employment(occupations) more. Likes to esteem the book, to sit behind a chess or a crossword puzzle. Valentine prefers quiet walk not too far from a house and will not go and a backpacking with possible(probable) adventures.
In the woman first of all appreciates modesty, equal character. Quickly converges with parents of the wife. In family tries to avoid conflicts. Will not quarrel because of hastily prepared dinner. It is indifferent to alcohol and is not fond of other women.
Successfully there will be a marriage(spoilage) with Angela, Valeriya, Victoria, Dariya, Maria, Marina. The marriage(spoilage) with Antonina, Elizaveta, Nadezhda, Tamara raises the doubts.


The name occurs from a latin word "valeo", that means " to be healthy ".
Valery's character since the early childhood delivers to parents many excitements. Valery loves outdoor games, with pleasure runs, swarms up trees. For an acuteness(a witticism) of sensations it(he) can steal a march in front of close going machine, to go to any deaf(indistinct) place in hope at night to meet there a ghost. Valery's such entertainments can cause a headache and tachycardia in parents. Valery likes to read books corresponding to the restless nature. It(he) likes adventures and a fantasy. Valery - the favourite of the father. With mother of the attitude(relation) equal. It(he) listens to all its(her) manuals, does not argue, but manuals of her(it) carries out not always.
In more advanced age Valery is persevering, seriously approaches to a choice of a speciality. Has propensity to trades which will enable it(him) to do a bit of travelling more on the world. Valery easily comes into contact to strangers. He(it) strong mentality also does not have any complexes in behaviour.
Valery is fond of sports. Prefers single combats. It(he) likes works in a kitchen garden and a garden. Will not refuse opportunity to have a country site that it was possible to bring up something the hands. Valery likes to go behind purchases on shops and on a market. Carefully approaches to a choice of the future wife. The woman with a rich inner world, accurate and clean in a life is necessary for Valery. Searches спутницы can be long. Not all girls are capable to sustain such selection, and refuse the further meetings, not having waited the fast offer.
In a marriage(spoilage) Valery the one-woman man also is strongly adhered to the wife. With the big tenderness concerns to children. Does not suppose to itself the scornful attitude(relation). Always expects even for a small share of sincere attention to itself.
Most likely the marriage(spoilage) with Зоей, Victoria, Galina, Nadezhda, Olesya, Svetlana, Tatyana will be successful. It is improbable successful a marriage(spoilage) Belief, Zina, Irina, Klara, Larissa, Margarita, Tamara.


The name occurs from the ancient greek word meaning " imperial, regal ".
Vasily in the childhood very much likes to potter with зверюшками and birdies, never will offend a defenceless essence. Вася - the favourite of grandmothers and grandfathers. It is constantly necessary for it(him) to be in a society сверстников. Dialogue with friends at Vasily on the first place. It(he) can enter the conflict to the wife to not admit(allow) infringement of interests of comrade.
Vasily likes his(its) work, but it(he) will not aspire to superiority(championship) in the business to not touch ambitious thoughts of the friends. One of Vasily's few negative qualities is a predilection for alcoholic drinks. On work this hobby to it(him) says goodbye, as it(he) honesty concerns to the duties and possesses good professional qualities. Vasily loves football and hockey, but itself does not play, and prefers to be ill on a tribune in the company of friends.
In attitudes(relations) with women Vasily aspires to show knightly qualities, and it is pleasant for it(him), if his(its) aspirations will be marked. Vasily - the person of the debt. At him(it) even ideas will not be about divorce if appears, that at the wife not the most pleasant character or she(it) the bad mistress. Vasily will resignedly accept all household inconveniences and not begins to complain of the destiny.
Birth of the child for Vasily - huge event. It(he) tests to children the strong feelings, in something comparable with parent. Vasily does not have problems in attitudes(relations) with тестем, and to the mother-in-law from rushes cautiously.
Good wife Vasily will be found among women with names by Margarita, Olesya, Julia, Anna. The unsuccessful marriage(spoilage) most likely will develop with Lydia, Inna, Ekaterina, Luba, Elena.


This name has a hebrew origin, the son of most favourite of wives " means ".
In the childhood it is important to notice Veniamin's endowments. To parents and teachers necessary special attention to consider talent of the boy and to create to it(him) necessary conditions for development.
Veniamin is persistent in achievement of objects in view and consequently quite often achieves very big professional successes. It is a little romantic, can write verses, but terrestrial affairs in a result are taken with top and poetry for Veniamin remains only hobby. Is fond of a collecting.
In Veniamin's life many difficulties wait. To not offend another, it(he) is ready to refuse the benefit. Veniamin concedes not only in trifles, but also in more serious things - higher post, turn on an apartment. The mother-in-law easily achieves execution(performance) of the whims from Veniamin.
Successfully there will be a marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Nadezhda, Natalia, Polina. The marriage(spoilage) is unsuccessful more probably
in total will be with Ekaterina, Angela, Zina, Alla, Olga.


The name occurs from a latin word "Victor", meaning "winner".
Victor - the trustful boy, trusts everything, that adults speak it(him). Having learned(having found out) about a deceit, it(he) is strongly afflicted, Victor is not vindictive, quickly forgets insults and again with trust concerns to people.
It is possible to try to force to be engaged Victor in music, for example, to train in game on the piano or a violin, but it is improbable, that from Victor the professional musician will turn out. Sincere interest books will cause in the boy about Indians and films about scouts. Dangerous adventures cause in him(it) more feelings and emotions, than abstract musical images.
Becoming(Beginning) the adult, Victor will choose a trade more connected to something concrete and tangible. From him(it) the good electrician or the driver will turn out. It(he) can become the professional football player, achieve the big successes in shooting from an onions(a bow). If Victor becomes the artist most likely it(he) will prefer the schedule.
Victor - the fighter for validity. Having learned(having found out) about a unseemly act native or close, will appeal for a long time to their conscience and prudence. For a marriage(spoilage) Victor possesses such necessary qualities as patience, validity, calmness, ability to be engaged in laborious and monotonous work. It(he) is capable to perform houses any work - from repairing the crane before washing utensils. If the wife tries to oder about him(it) it(he) concerns to this indulgently and does not try to do(make) from this a problem. At Victor the feeling of the debt is strongly advanced. Victor - good, but strict father. His(its) children should adhere constantly to the made daily routine and to carry out all planned affairs.
The happiest marriage(spoilage) waits for Victor with Valentina, Galina, Zoya, Inna, Klavdiya, Klara, Larissa, Love, Maiya, Maria, Nina, Oksana, Olga. It is difficult to expect for a good marriage(spoilage) with Veronika, Evgeniya, Ekaterina, Zina.


The name occurs from a latin word "vitalis", that means "vital".
Small Vitaly - typical " маменькин сынок ". It(he) the tender and obedient boy, always tries to be closer to mother. If it(he) younger in family cautiously concerns to the senior brothers and sisters. In a society of more younger on age, than it(he), confidently will undertake a role of the careful and kind patron. Vitaly is diligent, is able to accustom in a unfamiliar stop. It(he) is clever, purposeful, to some extent obstinate.
Vitaly is interested in music, a chess, to gamblings is indifferent, but can join for a card play.
Can get(start) a thoroughbred dog and participate at exhibitions. Among hobbies can be and the automobile to which will devote a lot of time. With pleasure itself will be engaged in repair of the machine. In Vitalys propensity to technical activity and the exact sciences prevails. It(he) will be the good engineer, the designer, the mathematics teacher or physics. Will succeed and in business. In woman Vitaly first of all very much wants to find replacement of mother, she(It) should become it(him) the true friend. On the second plan love feelings and passionate experiences In public recede does not show any attributes of a matrimonial arrangement to the wife, but is true in a marriage(spoilage) and values love of the wife.
Good wife Vitaly will be found among women with names by Ekaterina, Zina, Antonina, Klara, Lydia, Nika, Maria, Nadezhda, Polina, Tamara. The marriage(spoilage) with Зоей, Anastasiya, Veronika, Victoria, Maiya, Margarita will be difficult.


This name has a slavic origin, will consist of two roots: "vlad" (to own) and "world", that is a name can make sense - " owning the world ".
Vladimir since the early childhood shows inquisitiveness and aspires to check up the knowledge in practice. It(he) is declined to risk and somewhat even to adventures. Aspires сверстников to borrow(occupy) in the company conducting(leading) position.
Listens to advice(councils) of parents. In study in the best way to it(him) are given engineering science, but the rate in the promotion on a service ladder Vladimir first of all does(makes) on public work. Does not enter conflicts, avoids direct collision at discussion of questions at issue.
In a life Vladimir especially appreciates comfort. It(he) loves the beautiful furniture, expensive(dear) china, carpets, pictures. Aspires to ideal cleanliness and the order, therefore is the opponent of the maintenance(contents) in the house of cats, dogs and everyone another живности. The maximum, on what it(he) can agree is any small plant in a flowerpot. In people first of all appreciates mind(wit) and force. Possesses fast reaction to occuring events, is capable to make the independent decision. Tests weakness to praises in the address. For Vladimir very important opinion on it(him) of associates.
Vladimir is interested more by women with prevalence of romantic qualities, and to a lesser degree it(he) is excited, whether the woman is capable to organize a celebratory supper. Vladimir is true in a marriage(spoilage), but not because of personal attachment to the wife, and more likely by virtue of the big employment and unwillingness to spoil the well adjusted life. Shifts on the wife the daily cares connected to education of children, but with hunting will help to understand the domestic task.
Successful the marriage(spoilage) will be with Alla, Angela, Valentina, Zina, Varvara, Veronika, Evgeniya, Inna, Irina, Love, Natalia, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia. It is not enough chances of a successful marriage(spoilage) with Mayia, Elizaveta, Lydia, Nadezhda, Nina.


The name occurs from slavic words "влад" (to own) and "glories" (glory) - " owning glory ".
Vladislav since the childhood is very much adhered to mother. Likes, that she(it) read to it(him) fairy tales, and then to discuss with it(her) read. If Vladislav notices, that his(its) mother is upset with something, will necessarily try to console, distract her(it) from unpleasant ideas. The careful attitude(relation) to the woman remains at Vladislav for all life. At school it(he) is tactful in circulation with girls, never them offends. Object of enhanced attention becomes the most beautiful girl in a class.
Among Vladislav's hobbies in the childhood - cultivation of small fires. It(he) tests a magic inclination to fire. Adults should watch(keep up) the boy that it(he) has not done the big fire constantly. At Vladislav the feeling fine is strongly advanced. It(he) can become the musician, the artist, the writer. It(he) will achieve the big successes in trades where skill is required to communicate with people is a doctor, the teacher, the trainer. Vladislav is hardworking, responsible(crucial).
Among girls Vladislav likes the refined natures for which protection and support in a daily life are necessary. And on the contrary - sharp and rough character traits in woman Vladislav are especially unpleasant. It(he) also does not bear(take out) a smell of tobacco and the alcohol proceeding from the woman. Vladislav loves the daughter, than the son more strongly. Prefers quiet, domestic conditions. Renders all help in conducting housekeeping.
At Vladislav will be happy a marriage(spoilage) Galina, Klavdiya, Irina, Luba, Sofia, Marina, Olga, Julia, Tamara. Complex(difficult) there can be a marriage(spoilage) with Angela, Zina, Valeriya, Margarita, Nadezhda, Veronika, Mayia, Natalia, Tatyana, Rimma.


This slavic name infrequently meeting now is meant by "lord".
Vselovod possess persistent character. The self-respect is talented, strongly advanced. On the nature they careerists, for the purposes use sometimes not quite fair means. Among Vselovod there are doctors, mathematics, the sportsmen serving. Among fellow workers always on good to the account. Are sociable, but the insult put to him(it) long do not forget.
"Winter" Vselovod are inclined to strain of relations and aspire to subordinate people to the will. Are not so trustful, insist always on the way of the decision of a question. Try to not resort to the another's help. Vselovod have very much the broad audience of interests, are inquisitive. "Years(Summer)" Vselovod are quiet and patient. Possess the raised(increased) sensitivity, sometimes him(it) changes sense of humour. Are prudent and like to allow advice(councils).
In home life Vselovod aspire to leadership. Therefore at them divorces and repeated marriages(spoilage) are often. Attitudes(relations) in family develop difficultly, not always wives find common language with the mother-in-law. One of the main reasons constraining family, children are. On them the strongest parental feelings are directed.
The marriage(spoilage) with belief, Veronika, Klavdiya, Polina, Eleonora will be more successful. Cause the big doubts of the attitude(relation) with Evgeniya, Zhanna, Alla, Marina, Oksana, Rimma, Svetlana.


The name occurs from old russian words "vyache", meaning "it is "more", and "glories" (glory).
Vyacheslavs - strong boys, possess endurance and good will power. Parents need to give Vyacheslav to sports section. Possessing physical strength, it(he) will always struggle with injustice, will protect weak. Vyacheslav вспыльчив, can instantly flash, is declined to impulsive acts. Can give will to attacks of anger. Also quickly cools down and, feeling faults, becomes more appeasable.
To marry tries on the clever girl. In the future wife will appreciate beauty, individuality, absence of complexes. In family it is reliable, assists a half-ohm, is engaged with children. All homework is identical to him(it). It(he) can make a dinner, itself to make shelfs. Attitudes(relations) in family builds on trust but if it will be deceived will give up in trust for ever. The important place in a life is borrowed(occupied) with work, All affairs are finished. Responsibly(crucially) concerns to any assignments(orders). Equally succeeds in any trades. If Vyacheslav has automobile repair work will try to make itself. Likes to receive visitors, alcoholic drinks does not abuse.
The marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Elena, Irina, Larissa, Margarita, Maria, Elvira, Julia will be successful. Attitudes(relations) with Bella, Zina, Oksana, Tatyana, Julia will be difficult.


The name occurs from an ancient greek word "genadis", meaning " noble, well-born ".
Gennady since the childhood possesses inconsistent character. It(he) can suit a ugly stage in shop, fall to a floor, go by shout, demanding to buy a toy. But from time to time it(he) becomes simply ideal child - obedient and close(attentive). Quickly starts to think, on whom and as it is possible to work to achieve desirable. Is able to adapt to conditions.
In advanced age will try any ways to be allocated among associates and to attract attention. Can make a unusual hairdress, select an extravagant manner of behaviour. Gennady possesses complex(difficult) character.
On work tries to be among the first. Is able to earn money, are short returns inaccuratly. It is sensitive, to critical remarks reacts painfully. Likes to invent beautifully. Can get puffed up from praises. In home life appreciates a cosiness and comfort. Likes to sit at well served table.
The future спутницу lives chooses especially carefully. Demands from the wife of obligatory performance of various whims and whims. If the wife will agree to such compromise the life will be not such bad. Gennady will achieve successes on service, to assist on the house, will not vanish after work with the friends.
It is a lot of chances to be happy in a marriage(spoilage) at Gennady with Valentina, Nadezhda, Irina, Lydia, Love,Maiya, Natalia. Olga. It is necessary to be careful of a marriage(spoilage) with Angelina, Violetta, Oksana,Rimma, Tamara, Tatyana.


The name occurs from an ancient greek word "georgos", meaning "farmer".
At children's age George keeps a little away from the сверстников, but not in such degree that it was understood by them as arrogance. George does not reach feature after which there comes opposition to the comrades. Is able to listen to the interlocutor, it(he) can trust in a ticklish situation. Can keep another's secret. It is capable to state well the ideas in writing.
In any work very carefully and seriously concerns to the charged business. In a unfamiliar society keeps separately, and among the circle can and get into conversation not in a measure. As a whole to it people - is benevolent. Evil for a long time does not remember also to attitudes(relations) with those who dislikes it(him), tries to give ironic character.
With women George is irresolute, but home life develops, as a rule, happily. The only thing, that it(he) is not capable to transfer is a deceit. George loves the cheerful companies and parties. Having drunk, becomes thoughtful. Likes to walk with children and the wife.
In a marriage(spoilage) will carry with Varvara, Nadezhda, Galina, Natalia, Nina, Svetlana. It will be difficult to get on with Victoria, Ekaterina, Inna, Lydia. Svetlana.


The name occurs presumably from Russian word "block" or "globa" (pole).
At Gleb since the early childhood quiet and serious character impression some the gloomy boy is shown Makes, looks is more senior than the age. After more close acquaintance it is possible to make out the good-natured person in Gleb. If Gleb becomes the chief his(its) subordinates will have quiet life. Uses the deserved authority in collective. In total in a life achieves the work. Prefers is smaller to speak and more to be engaged in business.
A marriage(spoilage) will enter quickly, without hesitation. Gleb completely trusts the wife and even submits to it(her). But only in domestic conditions. We suffer(bear) to lacks of the wife, but it is jealous, and can even arrange investigation if there will be doubts in fidelity of the wife.
Gleb is capable to make any work on the house. Can repair a radio receiver, weld(cook) porridge for the small child. Likes to potter with small children.
It will be happy in a marriage(spoilage) with Sofia, Tamara, Valentina, Evgeniya, Mayia, Raisa, Maria. It will be difficult with Victoria, Ekaterina, Inna, Lydia, Svetlana.


The name occurs from the ancient greek word meaning " awake, not sleeping ".
Boy Grigory tries to be good and m the child. But restless character constantly prevents it(him) to be quiet. Having gone to walk, Grigory will necessarily return with brought down коленками, the soiled clothes. Especially likes to start ships in pools. With girls does not fight, but if they start to tease it(him) can them and beat.
Having matured, Grigory does not lose the raised(increased) sincere sensitivity, is open to injury. Tries to be always pleasant in any society. Gives more attention to clothes and appearance. It is pleasant in dialogue.
Grigory can master any trade. Can become the driver, the engineer, the photographer. It is not pleasant to it(him), when try to oder about him(it). The Григорий-inveterate fan. Visits(attends) all successively football and hockey matches.
In wife Grigory will choose the ordinary woman. Will not put the purpose necessarily to find the wife having a prestigious speciality, occuring of the provided family and possessing effective appearance. It is important for him(it), that the wife was the good mistress, had quiet and equal character. Grigory loves the domestic cosiness, well prepared feast.
Good wife Grigory will be the woman with one of the following names - Nadezhda, Alla, Elizaveta, Lydia, Oksana, Maria, Tamara, Tatyana. Fragile the marriage(spoilage) can appear with Angela, Victoria, Elena, Larissa, Natalia.


In translation with hebrew means " the Divine court ".
The Даниил-quiet and kind boy. Character it is more similar to mother. Болеет a little. Loves outdoor games. It is sociable, constantly surrounded with friends. Daniel does not bear(take out) lie, can even flare up, but there and then quickly departs also evil for a long time does not remember.
Daniels given birth in the winter always are talented and achieve much in a life. "Autumn" Daniels are prudent, a little эгоистичны.
Master the diversified trades. Can be engineers, artists, businessmen, cooks, drivers, builders.
First marriage not always develops successfully. Loves children, but to the wife on the house of any help does not render. Likes to spend time on a summer residence or on the nature. Can be fond of fishing or hunting. To meal it is indifferent and will not quarrel with the wife concerning a tasteless dinner. Drinks a little, but can take a great interest in cards(maps). A lot of attention gives children. Watches(keeps up) their study, visits(attends) parental assemblies.
Successful the marriage(spoilage) can appear with Anna, Luba, Lyudmila, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Tatyana, Эльвирой. It is improbable, that attitudes(relations) with Elizaveta, Irina, Angelina, Xenia were successful.


This name occurs from ancient greek name "Dionisios". In mythology of Ancient Greece Дионис - the god of the nature and fault.
Denis grows very sociable boy. His(its) best friends become not only children in district, but also neighbour's dogs whom it(he) on road in school feeds up sandwiches. It would be quite good to buy to the boy of the puppy. It would help to bring up such qualities, as compulsion, diligence, care. At school studies well, but can receive remarks from teachers for restless behaviour.
Denis becomes the assidious and accurate person, not deprived abilities. Easily overcomes every possible complexities in a life. Frequently success smiles to it(him). Can win the large sum of a lottery. Denis since the childhood for all life the inveterate collector. Is not afraid of laborious work. It is basic. Frequently imposes the ideas to associates.
First marriage at Denis can develop unsuccessfully. The wife frequently enters the conflict to his(its) parents. For this reason for young family it is better to live separately. At a choice спутницы lives can be guided by mercenary motives first of all. Well knows the price to money.
Optimum the marriage(spoilage) at Denis can turn out with Aleksandra, Anna, Ekaterina, Larissa, Evgeniya, Klavdiya. Marina, Polina, Sofia. Fragile there can be a union with Antonina, Zina, Zoya, Inna, Irina, Olga.


The origin of this name is connected to name Demetra from ancient mythology. She is the goddess of the ground and fertility.
Dmitry grows the painful(unhealthy) child. It(he) will have been ill with the most different illnesses that will be reflected in his(its) nervous system. It(he) will be whimsical, exacting to associates. At mother will constantly search for protection and the help.
Maturing, Dmitry gets rid of a nursery капризности, but dialogue with it(him) will be uneasy. It(he) is obstinate, can sometimes flare up. At the same time Dmitry is clever, persevering, does not lower(omit) a hand in case of failure. In collective feels like freely and easily is guided in new conditions. In the best way moves ahead on service where skill to communicate with people is required. Dmitry loves comfortable conditions, beautiful women and the most different pleasures. As a rule, in anything itself does not limit.
Dmitry easily is fond of women, not testing thus of any remorses concerning former sympathies. Frequently enters a repeated marriage(spoilage), but to children from the previous marriages(spoilage) concerns with love and continues to care of them all life. Likes to drink, but strong predilection for alcohol does not test. The biggest authority on Dmitry's life is his(its) mother.
It will be happy in a marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Elena, Love, Lyudmila, Natalia, Elvira. It is not necessary to cast in the lot with Angela, Victoria, Zina, Inna, Irina, Maria, Nina, Sofia, Julia.


The name occurs from the ancient greek word, meaning "noble".
Small Eugeny will early start to read and write. At him(it) propensity to rich imagination will develop. It(he) it will be good to solve the problems(tasks) demanding certain sharpness. To Eugeny foreign languages will be easily given. With coevals it is amicable, is respected at them. To girls tests romantic feelings, sometimes unduly idealizing them.
Eugeny is hardworking, but the difficulties arising at him(it) on a way, beat out it(him) from a quiet condition, force to be nervous. The greatest success can achieve and technics(technical equipment) and the exact sciences. In the work demanding the big concentration of forces and attention, will reach(achieve) average indices. Among Eugenys there are electronicians, writers, pilots.
Most of all in the woman appreciates sincere cleanliness. Considers, that in each woman the secret which it(he) tries to solve all life is latent. The provisional family man. Does(makes) any work on the house, goes shopping. In every possible way avoids quarrels and conflicts to relatives. The question of leadership in family of it(him) does not interest. Such behaviour speaks Eugeny's more tolerance, instead of spinelessness.
It is close(attentive) to relatives, difficult minutes appears a number(line) and renders the extremely necessary on power and support. Likes to potter with children, not only with the, but also with another's. Eugeny never will be solved on divorce by the first.
The marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Valentina, Valeriya, Nadezhda, Dariya, Xenia, Lyudmila, Natalia, Nina, Raisa, Julia is successful. Approach for a marriage(spoilage) of the Barbarian, Elena, Zoya, Klavdiya, Marina less.


This name - the modified form of a name George, meaning "farmer".
In the childhood Egor is diligent and hardworking. Studies well, but there can be conflicts to any not liked teacher. In such situation as to Egor the obstinacy and distrustfulness are peculiar, it is the best way to transfer(translate) the boy in other school. Does not transfer a deceit so it is possible to lose his(its) arrangement for ever.
Has good business qualities, it is capable to estimate correctly conditions and to find an output(exit) from inconvenient position. It is possible to attribute(relate) irascibility and importunity to negative properties of character. If Egor will be the chief it is possible, that it(he) will chide long the subordinates for any acts. On a service ladder moves ahead easily. Colleagues appreciate in it(him) purposefulness, compulsion and adherence to principles.
Most of all Egor in girls is involved with modesty. It(he) is irritated with brightly dressed and decorated women, aspiring to draw to itself the attention first of all causing behaviour. In attitudes(relations) with women Egor the ingenuous person. His(its) declarations of love искренни also are serious. It(he) is not capable of a deceit. The remarkable family man, the exemplary owner. If the wife tries to declare the leadership in family, the conflict does not enter, but in serious questions can show hardness.
Successful the marriage(spoilage) will be with Belief, Evgeniya, Nadezhda, Nina, Tatyana. There can be attitudes(relations) with Valeriya. Varvara, Galina, Elizaveta, Lyudmila, Mayia, Polina.


This name John of the hebrew origin has the ancient form, meaning " Яхве (God) has taken pity, has pardoned ".
Boys with such widespread name can have the most different character. They can be silent and imperceptible. Can be fidgets and brawlers. In Иванах the combination of the diversified qualities is possible: forces and weaknesses, goods and cruelty, tenderness and anger. Have extremely the broad audience of interests and hobbies, much undertake also much him(it) it is possible to make.
Иваны meet among people of the most different trades, they can be woodcutters, poets, pilots, doctors, loaders. Are open towards to all world.
Always in a rate has put the relatives and relatives familiar. Behind a table aspire to collect the numerous company and to have fun with all the heart Иваны, as a rule, are generous, but meet also avaricious. Among hobbies by all means football, fishing. Political events too do not remain in the party(side).
To the woman, decided(solved) to cast in the lot with Ivan, it is necessary to remember, that she(it) will be waited with a reckless life. The house will be always open, a turn of visitors will never interrupt. Ivan is trustful and sympathetic. It(he) is flexible, but can be and obstinate if business will touch his(its) blood interests.
Values a marriage(spoilage), but can take a great interest in one of подружек wives. It is not jealous. But from caring for the wife can react in the unpredictable image. In housekeeping work divides into a man's both female and part has put carries out without reminders. Children very much love the fathers carrying a name Ivan.
The happiness in a marriage(spoilage) waits for Ivan with the woman having a name Alla. Valentine, Dariya, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Зоя, Irina. Klavdia, Maria. Approaches the Barbarian a little. Elena, Zina, Larissa, Lydia, Maya, Nadezhda, Rimma.


The name has the Scandinavian origin from a word "вар" and the troops, force " means ".
Boys Игори - alive and mobile children. They are very capable, well study, most of all they manage mathematics. But because of unruly character behave at lessons restlessly, and it is necessary parents frequently наведываться in school for dialogue with teachers. Игори externally are more similar to mother, and character on the father. Are fond of sports, can achieve very big achievements.
Not always Игорям it is possible to receive higher education as they do not have not enough assiduity and persistence. By trade Игори can become engineers and turners, lawyers and drivers, teachers and trainers. Character is inconsistent. Игори are obstinate, небыстро adapt to surrounding conditions. Easily converge with people, but also quickly leave. The greatest successes Игори achieve in more advanced age. In total довиваются the work. Avoid unessential people.
Are a success at women and pay to them the big attention. Игори are excessively jealous, in a marriage(spoilage) aspire to leadership, impose the spouse the opinion.
In спутницы lives Игорям will approach Angelina. Veronika. Elena, Irina, Natalia, Oksana, Olesya. Risky there can be a marriage(spoilage) with Alla, Angela, Elizaveta, Love, Lyudmila, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Tamara, Tatyana.


The Russian form of the hebrew name Ilia meaning " force divine ".
Илья-very economic person. Since the childhood it(he) is accustomed to assist the father and mother in all domestic affairs and seizes the most different skills. Ilya can participate in civil work on a country site, be engaged in cultivation of hens and rabbits, to raise a crop in a garden and on a kitchen garden, to repair home appliances. With Ильёй there will be no special problems if to watch(keep up) circle his(its) familiar as Ilya is not so legible in a choice of friends and easily comes under bad influence.
Possesses sharp mind(wit). In character at Ilya parent features prevail. In dispute вспыльчив, but quickly took care in hands and it is ready to take fault on itself. By a trade Ilya can be the doctor, the teacher, the inspector, the mechanic.
Ilya approaches to creation of family in details and thriftily. Does not marry until it will be confident, that it will be capable to provide with the earnings family. Very much loves children. At all attachment to family and the house likes to travel.
The happy marriage(spoilage) is probable with those whom call Anna, Nadezhda, Natalia, Sofia. Less approach for a marriage(spoilage) Galina, Elizaveta, Margarita, Tatyana.


Name of an ancient greek origin, diminutive from Kir-" mister, the lord ". On other data, from the Greek word, meaning "sun".
Small Cyril is very inquisitive. It(him) interests literally all: why planes fly, children whence undertake, sparrows what for chirp. To read starts early and quickly swallows all books available in the house, sometimes at all not understanding the maintenance(contents). Possesses good memory. Since the childhood acquires rules of good behaviour, and at school of the teacher hold up it(him) as an example to other children.
From excessive positivity at Cyril attributes зазнайства can be shown, it(he) can become the egoist. Cyril will allow to write off(copy) very reluctantly domestic tasks the сверстникам. Aspires to be everywhere the first - both in study, and in games. Concerns to people with the raised(increased) self-estimation. Likes покрасоваться and constantly waits for a praise in the address. In dispute of it(him) first of all involves an opportunity to show the knowledge and abilities, the true for him(it) appears on the second place.
At a choice of the wife thinks of what she(it) will make impression upon associates. With jealousy concerns to familiar wives, itself, as a rule, does not change. Assists on the house but only if it(him) about it will ask. With the mother-in-law is in aversions.
Successful there can be a marriage(spoilage) with Alla, Angela, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Риммой, Elvira. Hardly will bring happiness a marriage(spoilage) with Valeriya, Ekaterina, Lydia, Maya, Marina, Nadezhda, Eleonora.


In a basis of this name the latin root meaning " proof, constant ".
In the childhood it is very timid, constantly is in a condition of alarm. Very difficultly gets used to another's people and new conditions. Accustoming by a kindergarten and school will demand significant efforts from Konstantin and will cost to parents of considerable excitements. With the years will get rid of a complex of fear, but will converge with people difficultly. Friends has a little, but all of them are checked up by time.
Konstantin - responsible(crucial) and the conscientious worker. To the business gives all soul. With subordinates it is delicate, his(its) orders are more similar to requests. Can be upset because of trifles.
At Konstantin thin чутье on fine. It(he) is capable to see hardly appreciable advantages in the person and to open their another. At the same time Konstantin can take a great interest in the bright and effective woman, achieve its(her) arrangement. Having married such woman and having found out its(her) sincere and moral emptiness, quickly grows cold in the feelings. Divorce transfers hardly. Intently concerns to the mother-in-law. Is friends of adult children.
Can carry and a marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Victoria, Evgeniya, Inna, Love, Polina, Rimma, Sofia. Most likely will not approach for Alexander's marriage(spoilage), Veronika, Irina, Klavdiya, Marina, Natalia, Olga.


The name occurs from a latin word "leo", meaning "lion".
In the childhood the Lion is quiet and even a little bit phlegmatic boy. It(he) does not cry on trifles but if it(him) will strongly offend sobbings of it(him) will be inconsolable. In the environment of the сверстников it is not lifted up, but delivery can give anyone. Likes to bathe, go to a wood.
Persistently achieves an object in view. If that promises to make, will apply(put) all forces to constrain the given word. In character prevail kindness and душевность. Due to the personal qualities in due course borrows(occupies) quite good position in a society.
The lion with special attention concerns to weak and defenceless, it(he) is always ready to come to the aid of old men, children sick. Possesses tolerance and flexibility, is able to refuse from desirable. But borders of restraint of the Lion are not boundless, after lines of remarks and preventions(warnings) strong fit of anger can follow.
In women the Lion most of all appreciates fidelity and kindness. Attachs great importance to sexual attitudes(relations). In youthful years it is loveful. In attitudes(relations) with relatives it is capable to show long-suffering. Likes to play with children in outdoor games.
The happy marriage(spoilage) most likely waits for the Lion with Anna, Victoria, Olga, Irina, Klavdiya, Tamara, Polina, Eleonora. Most likely to it(him) will not approach Lydia, Marina, Oksana, Olesya.


The name occurs from Leonidas which is formed from two words: "Leon" and "идеа", meaning " the son of a lion " is literally.
From the childhood it is accustomed to watch closely the health. It is exacting in a choice of food. A small graze will necessarily grease with iodine and will make a bandage. Even at small temperature it will be necessary to adhere to a confinement to bed. His(its) vanity does not allow, that it(him) counted less worthy with whom it(he) studies.
In the chosen speciality Leonid achieves significant successes. It(he) can become the class driver widely known for the journalist or the statesman. In any collective he(it) has good relations both with colleagues and with a management(manual). Leonid is capable to adapt quickly to conditions, is able to settle conflicts, possesses flexibility. During the necessary moment it is capable to show hardness and adherence to principles.
Leonid - the big fan(amateur) of trips on the nature. It(he) likes night fishings with a fire and ухой, but will not overlook to take all measures to not catch cold and not chill a waist.
To the woman owning culinary art, it is possible to subdue Leonid as the way to his(its) heart lays through a stomach Leonid loves well served table and the refined dishes. Wife Leonid should remember that it(he) painfully perceives critical remarks in the address and consequently it is not necessary to reproach it(him) publicly. Will not refuse to lead(carry out) evening behind a bottle good fault, but in a state of intoxication at him(it) the feeling of jealousy can appear.
Successful it is expected a marriage(spoilage) Alla, Anna, Valentina, Nadezhda, Veronika, Lyudmila. Natalia, Polina, Eleonora, Elvira, Julia. Difficult there can be a home life with Galina, Zhanna, Inessa, Luba, Tatyana.


The name occurs from a latin word "максимус", that means "greatest".
In the childhood Maxim does not deliver to parents and teachers of any efforts. It(he) well studies, at him(it) normal attitudes(relations) with сверстниками. Reads different books, and at him(it) the rich imagination develops. With pleasure goes to theatre on children's performances.
At adult Maxim all can not to be got on. It(he) does not have not enough strong-willed qualities, confidence of, persistence and aggressiveness. It(he) is deprived "penetrative" abilities and besides is accustomed in all to doubt. But despite of these lacks, Maxim the open person to dialogue. It(he) is benevolent, always ready to assist. Trying to see in the person only good, Maxim badly distinguishes good people from bad. Does not put before itself the purpose to promote, but, увлекшись any business, can achieve significant results.
Maxims successfully work as builders. Smiths, press photographers, teachers. Can be policies(politics).
Maxim early starts to pay attention to girls. Up to the introduction into a marriage(spoilage) already has wide experience of dialogue with women. It is patient and will not hurry the wife when she(it) for a long time will be late before a mirror. It is capable to transfer and nervous failure at the wife, caused by troubles on work. But the patience of it(him) should not be abused - it is not boundless.
Likes to communicate with children. With hunting drives them in a kindergarten and on walks, reads to them fairy tales and helps to do(make) lessons. With parents of the wife of the attitude(relation) develop safely. In a marriage(spoilage) it is true.
In спутницы lives will approach Violetta, Zina, Lydia, Margarita, Nina, Raisa, Svetlana. The probability of a good marriage(spoilage) with Antonina, Love, Olga, Julia is small.


The name occurs from hebrew name Mikael that means " equal, similar to the God ".
With boy Michael at teachers and parents of problems, as a rule, do not happen. It(he) tries to do(make) all well and in time. Can participate in sports together with the friends and sing in children's chorus.
To Michael logic mentality is peculiar. In unfamiliar conditions is guided quickly. Painfully perceives critical remarks. It(he) can receive any speciality: teachers, the lawyer, the turner, the driver. From Michaels good heads of the highest level turn out. Career and on military service is possible to them. Michael is easy in dialogue, forgiving. Likes to potter with cats and dogs. With pleasure will spend on a garden site.
In woman Michael involve softness and отходчивость. It is very kind in attitudes(relations) with children, cannot in anything them(him,it) to give up, indulges expensive(dear) toys, gives all free time.
With attention concerns to parents, looks after them, whims of old men of it(him) do not irritate. Drinks a little. Behind a table behaves freely. Jokes much, likes to sing songs. Having got drunk, becomes sentimental.
The marriage(spoilage) will be successful with Aleksandra, Varvara, Belief, Dina, the Dyne, Elena, Elizaveta, Klara, Lydia, Marina, Nina, Raisa, Риммой, Tamara. Elvira. Home life can not develop with Elizaveta, Oksana, Olga, Sofia.


The name occurs from ancient greek name Nikolaus which is translated as " the winner of peoples ".
Nikolay since the childhood grows strong and healthy, болеет is rare. Does not stick with whims to parents, probably, therefore they not always give Nikolay of sufficient time. Studies well in all subjects. Among сверстников it(he) is distinguished with force, activity and sharpness. Difficulties overcomes without assistance. It is counterbalanced, hardworking and efficient.
Nikolay is capable to seize any trade, it will be good to earn. In collective it is simple in dialogue, it is friendly. On a post of the head in Nikolay the features describing it(him) as severe and even the despotic person can be shown. Subordinates will be rather afraid of it(him). In a condition of anger badly supervises the condition and it is capable to commit follies.
Nikolay easily is fond of women. The woman who has liked it(him), at once invites to appointment and in some days can suggest to leave to it(her) for him(it) in marriage. The opinion surrounding thus does not interest it(him). In love it is passionate, but it is jealous.
It is capable many works connected to an accomplishment at home, to carry out independently. Helps the wife in cleaning, goes behind purchases. Very much loves children. Indulges them, indulges all to their whims and whims. Nikolay should be cautious with alcohol as it(he) it is fast to it(him) gets used and can become the alcoholic.
Successful for Nikolay there is a union with Anna, Дарьей, Зинаидой, Зоей, Larissa, Love, Эльвирой. It is necessary to be careful of a marriage(spoilage) with Alla, Валентиной. Veronika. Galina, Evgeniya, Ekaterina, Elena, Elizaveta, Inna, Lyudmila, Marina, Olesya, Olga, Rimma, Julia.


The name has the Scandinavian origin and means "sacred".
In the childhood Oleg easily comes under another's influence and can quickly acquire bad habits, therefore parents should watch(keep up) circle familiar the son.
At school Oleg studies well in all subjects, but the big abilities shows in the exact sciences. At Oleg analytical mentality and propensity will subject all to the analysis to be shown and in a daily life. Concentration inherent in Oleg yields especially positive results in employment(occupations) by sciences. Oleg is difficult in dialogue as it(he) not always finds understanding of the sights and besides it(he) not always manages to suppress in itself feeling of some superiority over other people.
Ideal of the woman for Oleg is his(its) mother, therefore, choosing the future спутницу lives, aspires to find in the woman of a character trait, his(its) peculiar mothers. If the woman cannot understand this subtlety of attitudes(relations) with Oleg then in family often quarrels are possible(probable).
With the mother-in-law at Oleg polite attitudes(relations) without display of any strong feelings are usually established. Oleg - the true husband. Tries to assist the wife in all domestic affairs. At Oleg able fingers. In attitudes(relations) with children Oleg does not have not enough heat and sincerity, therefore at his(its) children frequently difficult character.
The good marriage(spoilage) is expected with Antonina, Klara, Larissa, Майей, Natalia, Rimma, Svetlana, Sofia. Tatyana, Eleonora. Unsuccessful the marriage(spoilage) can be with Angelina, Varvara, Belief, Dariya, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Nina, Olga, Oksana.


The name occurs from a latin word "paulus", meaning "small".
Paul - the kind and sympathetic child. It(he) with the big desire will help mother to look after the younger brother or the little sister. Never will disturb interdictions of adults and will convince the friends to not cross a framework legal. With the years at Paul ability to empathy, sympathy will even more be shown. People can let it(him) into the secrets.
Paul is declined to philosophize and quite often a trade chooses according to the quiet character. Fellow workers will appreciate diligence in Paul, reliability and ability at any moment to come on proceeds to comrade. Performs the work so, that neither to adjust, nor to force it(him) it is not necessary. Paul will always take advantage of an opportunity to earn additional money but only if it will not demand from him(it) infringement of a measured way of life.
In Paul's character there is nothing too bright both oustanding, and the attitude(relation) with the woman at him(it), as a rule, equal and warm. It(he) is not capable to test passionate and rough feelings. Assists the wife on the house, the big attention gives education of children. Prefers to receive visitors at itself, than to go itself on a visit. Paul in a measure drinks, behind a table does not show strong emotions.
The marriage(spoilage) with Belief, the Dyne, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Zina, Maiya, Serafima, Sofia, Elvira will be successful. Difficult the marriage(spoilage) can appear with Angela, Dariya, Natalia, Nina, Tatyana, Julia.


The name occurs from "Peter's" meaning ancient greek word " rock, a boulder ".
Peter - the inquisitive boy. From early age it(he) starts to torment parents questions. It(he) is interested by all: what for build jacks of a birdy where there are trams as the alarm clock is arranged at night. Small Peter is musically gifted, he(it) can have quite good voice. It would be quite good to parents to arrange the son in musical school. Peter studies easily and does not deliver efforts to teachers. In a youth frequently is engaged in a collecting of photos of actors and musical records of singers.
Peter after leaving school aspires to continue formation(education). In the speciality struggles for leadership and consequently very carefully concerns to the vocational training. Peter has propensity to the analysis and ordering, therefore it(he) can become the inspector, the mathematician, the engineer.
In a choice of the wife does not hurry up, whether for a long time estimates - corresponds(meets) избранница to his(its) ideal. One of the basic requirements to the wife is to be true, other qualities for Peter are not so important. In jealousy can be violent. Very much loves mother and consequently wife Peter should reckon with influence of the mother-in-law on acts of the husband. In homework is engaged off and on. Drinks a little and seldom, basically on holidays.
The good wife for Peter can become Angelina, the Barbarian, Belief, Вероника, Dina, Eugeny, Ekaterina, Larissa, Lyudmila, Natalia, Svetlana. The unsuccessful marriage(spoilage) can develop with Valeriya, the Dyne, Elena, Zina, Marina, Oksana, Tatyana.


The name occurs from a latin word "romanus", meaning " Roman, the Roman ".
In the childhood Roman frequently болеет, undesirable complications are possible(probable) even, therefore it is necessary for parents to watch over health of the boy. In connection with often misses(passings) of employment(occupations) Roman can have affairs at school, here too to it(him) the help can be demanded.
Roman does not suffer(bear) in a life of uniformity. It(he) can suddenly interrupt study in institute and go to work. Something увлекшись, it(he) lights up and tries to carry away the invention of others.
Easily falls in love. Does not test any remorses at change of the избранниц. Will search for a long time for the ideal, yet will not find what is ready to devote the life to it(him) completely. It is not necessary, that, having met such woman, Roman will be the exemplary husband. First time home life will be seriously complicated with his(its) bent for to a variety of attitudes(relations). Impossibility to concentrate on any one business and to finish it(him).
With occurrence in family of children остепеняется also becomes the good father. In family prefers to be the leader. But without excessive dictatorship. It(he) with hunting helps on a facilities(an economy). Is able to amuse associates.
It will be happy in a marriage(spoilage) with Anna, Валентиной, Elena, Клавдией, Luba. Maya, Maria, Sofia. Less successful will be attitudes(relations) with the Dyne, Evgeniya, Ekaterina, Oksana, Rimma, Tamara


The name has a hebrew origin and means " heard by the God in a pray ".
Externally Семен it is more similar to mother, than on the father. It(he) also inherits also many character traits peculiar to mother. It(he) is kind, soft and mild.
Semen will be the good friend who always will come to the aid and difficult minute. Close to heart will accept an another's trouble.
Among Семенов many gifted people, with inclinations of the talented person. Possessing will power, they achieve significant successes in a life. Семены seriously concern to the elected trade. Are hardworking, persevering, have penetrative abilities. Among Семенов it is a lot of doctors, musicians, engineers, managers.
Semen constantly is and is more dense than the most complex(difficult) has put, but does not wave away and from "small things", does not count its(her) unworthy person. Will not overlook to wish comrade happy birthday and to hand over it(him) even a small gift. Will help with the decision of any household problem or will give advice(council) to whom else it is possible to address.
In marriage(spoilage) Semen - exemplary husbands. Wives do not have with them any problems. They хозяйственны, assist on the house, are engaged in purchase of products. Semen it is better than the wives are guided in an economic situation of family. On this ground there can be conflicts if Semen obstinate and excessively basic wife will get.
The happy marriage(spoilage) is possible(probable) with Angelina, Antonina, Valentina, Valeriya, Victoria, the Dyne, Ekaterina, Zoya, Klara, Maya, Nina, Oksana, Olga, Raisa, Tamara. In the wife approach Alexander a little. Anna, the Barbarian, Вероника, Irina, Marina, Svetlana.


The name occurs from Roman patrimonial name Сергиус that means " high, highly respected ".
In the childhood the Сергей-weak and painful(unhealthy) boy delivering to the parents of many(a lot of,much) efforts. With the years it(he) becomes more strong, starts to go in for sports. In his(its) character everyone are more strongly shown courageous features. Sergey prefers vigorous actions to sentimental emotions, but at him(it) ability and to empathy also is kept.
In work Sergey shows conscientiousness, compulsion, always fulfils the promises and it(he) should not remind twice about something. The opinion on associates prefers to hold at itself. Among hobbies on the first place music and cinema. Takes part in amateur performances. Sergeys frequently become actors, composers, artists.
With native and close Sergey is appeasable and compliant, careful in attitudes(relations) with the parents. Tries to behave so that casually to not offend associates. With the problems Sergey consults alone, not devoting associates in the sincere experiences.
Sergey is involved with quiet and tender women. Very much willingly participates in economic affairs on the house. The master on all hands. Leadership in family it is ready to concede to the wife, but in the important questions it is ready to assert the point of view. Among friends likes to tell jokes. Gets drunk slowly.
The successful marriage(spoilage) can develop with Valentina, Victoria, Galina, Dariya, the Dyne, Elizaveta, Irina, Love, Nina, Rimma, Tatyana. It will be difficult in a marriage(spoilage) with Alla, Belief, Larissa, Eleonora.


The name has the Polish origin and means " to become nice(famous) ".
Stanislav since the childhood has unbalanced mentality. It(he) is whimsical, tries to achieve the at any cost, is obstinate and violent. Cannot objectively estimate developed conditions, hardly recognizes the fault. These character traits will harm to it(him) during all life. Stanislav will have fights with сверстниками. Problems with the militiaman in the beat can be shown: it(he) can offend roughness the girl.
Stanislav should not choose a trade demanding implicit submission to the chief, for example, of the military man. If Stanislav will hold a supervising post it is necessary to his(its) subordinates difficultly. It is difficult for Stanislav to please, difficultly to be arranged under varying mood and original, not all a clear train of thought.
Wife Stanislav becomes usually shy and obedient woman. With the woman. Capable to stand for itself, to Stanislav to not get on. To the wife concerns well and always repents of the fieriness. There is no practicality for conducting housekeeping. Can surprise the wife with a unexpected gift. Attitudes(relations) with parents of the wife develop safely.
Successful will be marriage(spoilage) Veronika, Elena, Larissa, Oksana, Rimma, Tamara, Eleonora, Julia. The marriage(spoilage) will be unfortunate with Valentina, Evgeniya, Zina, Marina, Svetlana, Sofia.


The name occurs from an ancient greek word "стефанос" and means "wreath".
The small Stepan-playful and restless boy, loves the diversified games. To communicate with it(him) it is easy and cheerful. Stepan is very mobile, and behind textbooks to it(him) to remain sitting difficultly. But, possessing good memory, it(he) quickly seizes the necessary material, easily it(him) remembers. To parents can deliver efforts by the unruly character, and teachers of it(him) will be afraid for observation and sharp remarks by which it(he) does(makes), noticing mistakes of adults.
Stepan can choose a trade connected to creative character of work. It(he) will be the good artist, the fashion designer, the architect. At Stepan it is a lot of friends and familiar, for him(it) all doors are open. Quickly is guided in new conditions. Not for long remembers insults. Especially well itself feels in a female society. At ladies Stepan блещет wit, it(he) is cheerful and precautionary, for each woman will find a successful compliment.
In a family life of the attitude(relation) of Stepan with the wife will develop not too cloudlessly. Stepan's excessive sociability will allow an occasion for jealousy. Divorce and a new marriage(spoilage) is possible(probable). In children is engaged off and on, shifting all cares connected to their education, on the wife.
In a marriage(spoilage) of the attitude(relation) in the best way will develop with Dariya, Zina, Irina, Klavdiya, Klara, Lydia, Hope, Olga. Difficulties wait with Anna, Elena, Lyudmila, Natalia, Oksana, Raisa, Rimma.


The name has an ancient greek origin and means "Charism".
Feodor in the childhood is a little gloomy, silent and obstinate. It(he) never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from сверстников. Parents and teachers will like Feodor's accuracy. Things at him(it) always will be in the full order, books and handles are combined on a table, and with the torn off button at once will come running to mother. Does not like to allow to write off(copy) domestic tasks, which itself has made.
On work Feodor is on good to the account. It(he) is reliable and detailed. With colleagues it is benevolent, conflicts does not enter, but attitudes(relations) are limited basically to service affairs. After work hastens home, refusing to go with colleagues to drink to a circle of beer. At Feodor "able fingers", is able to do(make) on the house almost all. If Feodor has machine she(it) at him(it) always will be in the full order.
Feodor in attitudes(relations) with women does not love haste. Before to make a proposal of marriage, it(he) should be convinced, that the choice of it(him) is correct also marriage attitudes(relations) will connect them for all life. The women who have got used to constant admirers and hot recognitions, never will interest it(him). Casual communications(connections) in a marriage(spoilage) are improbable. The mother-in-law respects Feodor, reckons with his(its) opinion.
The marriage(spoilage) will be happy with Anna, Варварой, Клавдией, Lydia, Love, Maria, Natalia, Raisa, Svetlana. Complexities will arise in attitudes(relations) with Alla, Ekaterina, Mayay, Nadezhda, Nina.


The name has an ancient greek origin and means " loving(liking) horses ".
In the childhood the Филипп-painful(Филипп-unhealthy) and whimsical child. Externally it is more similar to mother. It is a little bit absent-minded, not so willingly gives other children to play the toys, it is declined to greed. Many of Phillips are allocated the most different abilities, but, unfortunately, because of laziness they and remain not opened.
Given birth have complex(difficult) character in the winter, like to argue at the slightest pretext. Safely undertake any affairs, but not always finish them. "Years(Summer)" Phillips till a marriage aspire to reach(achieve) a good financial position. With pleasure travel, go in business trips.
Among Phillips there are doctors, lawyers, turners, tractor operators, pilots more often.
Phillip searches for the quiet and appeasable woman in the wife. In attitudes(relations) with it(her) it is goodhearted, неконфликтен. Helps to be in charge of housekeeping, Likes to potter with children.
Phillip's family happiness will be made by one of those whom call Inna, Irina, Love, Margarita, Tamara. Hardly successful there is a marriage(spoilage) with Dariya, Evgeniya, Hope, Raisa.


This name has the German origin. In a basis words, in a literal translation meaning " caring about the property " lay.
Small Edward is very curious, at him(it) not on years lively wit. Likes to create unexpected situations the сверстникам, any surprise and to parents Can give, therefore with it(him) it is necessary to be always on the alert. Studies well. If in any subject starts to lag behind, will independently make efforts and it will quickly be tightened. Can become even the honours pupil if there will be such desire.
More often chooses a speciality of the militarian, the designer, the doctor. On work behind it(him) the reputation of the sociable and benevolent person strongly keeps. It is easy to communicate with it(him), it(he) is polite and affable. But if business will touch personal interests Edward's all remarkable qualities can disappear and and it(him) features rigid and the businessman, deprived sentimentality will be shown.
Edward is amorous. It(he) is involved first of all with beautiful and attractive women. Wife Edward should стойко transfer complex(difficult) character of the husband, to be compliant at occurrence of disputed situations. In family Edward aspires to leadership, all financial charges takes under the control. Abuses alcohol.
The good wife to it(him) can become Lydia, Римма, Svetlana, Julia. Home life with Dariya, Dina, Klavdiya, Larissa will be complex. Lyudmila, Mayay, Maria.


This name George, meaning "farmer" represents the slavic form of a name.
Jury are are quiet and, the person concentrated on the private world. In the childhood it(he) likes to look at the clouds floating on the sky. Touchingly concerns to animals, can pick up a stray dog and look after it(her). His(its) external shape contradicts constrained behaviour and philosophical mentality. Gestures, a manner to speak differ at Jury some artistry.
At school and institute studies well, it is assidious and persevering in achievement of an object in view. Can successfully work as the engineer, штукатуром, the electrician, the trainer. In collective is respected colleagues, but the big and noisy companies prefers to avoid.
Jury does not care of that. To attract attention of women. They pay to him(it) attention. His(its) natural artistry at once causes in women an arrangement to it(him). Jury takes hardly a passive position, and the woman should take the initiative in the hands. In home life it is accurate. Shows care of children, helps the wife on a facilities(an economy). Wife Jury should be able to maintain equal relations with the mother-in-law.
The happiness in a marriage(spoilage) finds with Angela, Антониной, Galina, Dariya, Зинаидой, Larissa, Lydia, Love, Natalia, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Svetlana, Sofia, Tamara. The probability of a successful marriage(spoilage) with Alla, Veronika, Elizaveta, Zoya, Tatyana is small.


The name represents the Russian form from hebrew name Иаков which translation figuratively it is possible to understand as " the second on a birth ".
Jacob since the early childhood shows a practicality and a thrift. It(he) slowly adapts to a new situation and new people, time that carefully all to consider is necessary for it(him). Prefers the old and checked up friends With special respect concerns to the father. Counts his(its) main sample for imitation. Likes to read adventure and science-fiction novels.
Chooses a trade connected to quiet and thorough work. Can be the writer, the tailor, the shepherd. It is hardworking also any business tries to finish with logic end. In the important affairs will insist on the, but will not lead up business to serious conflicts.
Jacob chooses the clever and business woman who can create houses a cosiness and warm attitudes(relations) in family in the wife. In dialogue it is delicate, soft, will try to put casual insult never. Jacob hardly can give up to people in something, therefore his(its) wife should interfere in time with events and to prevent possible(probable) negative consequences. Jacob loves the house, likes to accept friends. Drinks in a measure, the fault prefers easy. A lot of time gives children.
The happy marriage(spoilage) will be with Galina, Inna, Klavdiya, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara, Complex(Difficult) attitudes(relations) will be with the Dyne, Ekaterina, Lyudmila, Raisa.


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